The day of departure is not chargeable if rooms are vacated by 12.00 noon. 如果在中午12点前退房,当天不计费。
He vacated the flat and went to stay with an uncle 他搬出了公寓,住到了他的一个叔叔那里。
He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director 他最近辞去了国民保健署人事主管一职。
Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated. 克里斯一屁股坐在坦南特夫人刚刚腾出的椅子上。
In Oxford, Cambridge and Exeter, youngsters from abroad fill university dormitories and housing vacated by students. 在牛津、剑桥和埃克塞特,其他国家的年轻人占据了大学寝室,以及学生们空出的房屋。
Some took back Kiev's city hall, which they had vacated over the weekend, and in western Ukraine at least three regions said they would send buses of reinforcements to Kiev. 一些人又重新占领了上周末撤离的市政厅。乌克兰西部,至少有三个地区的抗议者表示将向基辅增援。
I told myself that, even if I had to spend everything I had, I would have that woman and would take by right the place which I had vacated so quickly. 我暗自说道,就是倾家荡产,我也要得到这个姑娘,占有那个我刚才一下子就放弃了的位置。
He was convicted on four counts of fraud and obstruction of justice in 2007 and served 29 months in prison until the Supreme Court vacated the convictions. 2007年,他被判四宗欺诈及妨碍司法罪名成立,并入狱29个月,直到美国最高法院(supremecourt)宣布判决无效。
The post vacated was filled by him. 空出的职位由他填补了。
As they vacated due to their extensive travel at the time, they moved the shrine under a gum tree in honor of our kingdom. 当Mila和Oa由于那时的大量旅行而离开公寓时,出于对我们王国的尊重,他们将这个圣殿搬到一棵橡胶树下。
I see you've vacated the elevator for the evening. 我看见你今天晚上已经腾出电梯的空间了。
She has taken over the role vacated by her boss. 她已接任她的上司辞去的职位。
And Frye's lament about the way vacated Senate seats are filled could hardly sound more contemporary. 同时弗莱依对当前参议员空缺的填补方式的失望再现实不过。
All three of the top posts have been vacated in the past six months – Sue Decker moved from CFO to become head of a new Advertiser and Publisher group and was yesterday named president of the company. 过去6个月,这三个最高职位一一腾了出来&首席财务官苏伊•德克尔(SueDecker)被调去主管雅虎新成立的广告及出版集团,昨日被任命为雅虎总裁。
That means being the first into the carriage just as seats are being vacated, which in turn means standing in front of the opening doors and generally getting in everybody's way. 在座位空出来时要第一个上车,那就意味着得站在门口挡住别人的路。
He drove neatly into the vacated space. 他利索地把车驶入空出的位子。
They vacated Earth well ahead of time, and were able to calculate the time of passage based on historical records. 他们提前撤离了地球,可根据历史记录计算出过境的时间。
Since his match factory had folded up, he had vacated one wing in case he had to sub-let part of the house, and dismissed one cook and two maids. 自从他的火柴厂亏本以来,他将半边的厢房挪空了,预备分租出去,他又辞歇了一个饭司务,两个奶妈。
A tip-off led to the basement of a house recently vacated by Mr Rodenstock and the discovery of piles of blank labels, corks and other counterfeiter's paraphernalia. 一则警告使得罗德斯多克先生近来搬离了那里,在那所房子的地下室里还发现了成推的空白标签,瓶塞和其他造假工具。
As I've mentioned, I'm squatting temporarily in a management job vacated by a beloved and longtime editor at TIME. 正如我前面提到现在我暂时“霸占”了一位长期受人们爱戴的《时代》编辑腾出的管理工作。
He had vacated his single-roomed hut on account of her. 为了她的缘故他腾出了仅有的一间小屋。
According to our regulations, a half day's rent is charged against a room not vacated by12:00 noon. 根据我们的规定,凡过中午12:00还没有腾出房间要收取半天的房金。
China is not bidding to fill the role of global hegemon recently vacated by the US. 中国并不打算接手美国不久前空出的全球霸主地位。
The court reversed its decree of imprisonment, and the man went free. a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated. 法院撤消了监禁的判决,那个人自由了。可撤销的判决是可被上诉和取消的。
In a fixed time every morning, bustling streets "automatic" vacated, after the ceremony, street recovery lively. 每天早上一到固定时间,熙熙攘攘的街道“自动”腾空,仪式结束后又恢复热闹。
The title vacated by ali's retirement would be fiercely contested. 人们将激烈竞争因阿里退休而空出的那个头衔。
And just so happen they're looking for a good person to fill a recently vacated switchboard position. 刚巧他们在找一个合适的人,填补最近空缺的接线总机的职位。
Juichueh gave her a friendly look, then sat down on her vacated chair. 瑞珏温和地看了她一眼,也不说什么,便坐下去。
The house was vacated bag and baggage in a matter of hours. 这幢房子在几个小时里就全部腾出来了。
It's the Law Front Seats must be vacated for seniors and persons with disability. 依据法律,前排座位为老人残疾人专用。