
英 [ˌpriːsəˈpəʊzd] 美 [ˌpriːsəˈpoʊzd]

v.  姑且认为; 假设; 以…为前提; 依…而定




  1. VERB 预先假定;以…为前提;以…为先决条件
    If one thing presupposes another, the first thing cannot be true or exist unless the second thing is true or exists.
    1. All your arguments presuppose that he's a rational, intelligent man...
    2. The end of an era presupposes the start of another.


  1. This metaphysic was not free or objective thinking. Instead of letting the object freely and spontaneously expound its own characteristics, metaphysic presupposed it ready made.
  2. But since the logical idea is as much a universal as it is in being since it is presupposed by the notion as much as it itself immediately is, its beginning is a synthetic as well as an analytical beginning.
  3. The purport of the science is to become acquainted with the procedure of finite thought: and, if it is adapted to its presupposed object, the science is entitled to be styled correct.
  4. They are assumptions and inferences we might make about the question, but are not presupposed within the question itself.
  5. But this approach presupposed the distinction between observation sentences and non-observation sentences in a language, and observation sentences are evidence for knowledge of external world.
  6. The gentile constitution in its best days, as we saw it in america, presupposed an extremely undeveloped state of production and therefore an extremely sparse population over a wide area.
  7. In its primary and immediate aspect the Teleological relation is external design, and the notion confronts a presupposed object.
  8. It is an essential part of our nationhood. However, their functions are presupposed by topic relevance, which is the premise of discourse coherence.
  9. Since human enters the industrialized era, the change of key technologies has always presupposed the process change which depends much more on the progress of means of production.
  10. The expression of "what is art" is a deadly wrong way to ask a question, which has mistakenly presupposed that art is an independent entity.
  11. The latter is presupposed by even contained within the former as what it over comes but that doesn't in the same way contain good, it's not a decent from the good.
  12. This algorithm adjusts the step-size appropriately according to the presupposed precision and the local truncation error of each step.
  13. Pragmatic presupposition is treated as the known knowledge presupposed beforehand between two parties in verbal communication.
  14. The history of ideas in Ch'ang-chou mirrored the social configurations that Confucians there unconsciously presupposed as they grappled with local and national political issues.
  15. Some few fundamental propositions, presupposed by the geometrician, are, indeed, really analytic, and rest on the principle of contradiction.
  16. In the deducing process, no specific flow mode is presupposed, and the conclusion of temperature subtracting by the same side for logarithmic mean temperature difference can be easily drawn.
  17. Sterilization desired shall be finished through presupposed sterilization formula just by pressing a starting button during the whole production process.
  18. The responsible and clear distinction between ends which are decent and ends which are not is in a way presupposed by politics.
  19. The potential presupposition is the shared assumptions under the idealized cognitive models, presupposed by the presupposition trigger.
  20. Theoretical innovation is systematic, which is presupposed by an overall grasp of its working mechanism.
  21. The applications and markets of optical LAN are also presupposed and analysed;
  22. From the angle of translation, considering the complexity of presupposition help to master the presupposed information and understand the original better, so that translator can deal with the presupposed information according to the concrete situation.
  23. Political development is presupposed by unfolding of basic contradictions in economy or social life.
  24. Self-consciousness has an adaptive function, and its origination and development are presupposed by the developement of the cognitive ability of the early man.
  25. Either in the traditional study of Chinese women or in the anthropological study of the system of the Han kinship, there is usually a presupposed basic image as the object, that is, women defined as a dependant.
  26. The wavelet is usually presupposed the minimum phase in wavelet estimation.
  27. Therefore, the enchantment and efficiency of modern communication is presupposed by a systematic study of visual symbols.
  28. Presupposition can be regarded as the important semantic information presupposed by the sentence.
  29. Finally, from the psychological level, the judges should make great efforts to presupposed ideal personality.
  30. Main control module compares fiber-optical power value with presupposed threshold, then realizes autocontrol.