
英 [ˈbəʊlstərɪŋ] 美 [ˈboʊlstərɪŋ]

v.  改善; 加强



  1. VERB 增强(信心);鼓舞(士气)
    If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it.
    1. Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.
    2. ...a number of measures intended to bolster morale.
  2. VERB 巩固(地位);加强
    If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strengthen it.
    1. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.
    2. Bolster up means the same as bolster .
      bolster up同bolster
    3. aid programme to bolster up their troubled economy.
  3. (垫在普通枕头下的)长枕,垫枕
    A bolster is a firm pillow shaped like a long tube which is sometimes put across a bed under the ordinary pillows.


    1. We have made great progress in meeting this demand and are focused on bolstering our reporting capabilities with video and other multimedia elements.
    2. Worried about an increasingly assertive and stronger China, New Delhi has sought greater cooperation with Beijing's rivals and has been bolstering its navy, which recently took delivery of its second aircraft carrier.
    3. The interplay between currencies and central bank policy has anchored US bond yields at low levels, bolstering market expectations that the pace of the next tightening cycle will be modest.
    4. Still, exports are bolstering Europe's emerging markets.
    5. US president Barack Obama last week paid a high-profile visit to India aimed at bolstering ties between the two countries, which share an interest in curbing China's growing regional influence.
    6. Security analysts say China's leaders appear intent on bolstering strategic alliances there and using an increasingly modern navy to safeguard interests in the region.
    7. Making matters worse, production costs have climbed in recent years with rising wages and energy prices, while government policies aimed at bolstering household consumption have driven up prices at the cash register.
    8. Research bolstering the role of moderate drinking in helping to control weight gain was published in 2004 in the journal Obesity Research.
    9. In some countries ( like the US) this means an urgent bolstering of social safety nets.
    10. That means redoubling existing efforts in each of the three traditional areas of policy: bolstering banks;
    11. But some in the markets have begun to question whether it is time for central banks to change tack in order to avoid creating new asset bubbles although officials have stressed they will maintain policies aimed at bolstering global growth.
    12. I also want to focus on bolstering our eroding social cohesion.
    13. We believe the company has attractive future growth opportunities that will be enabled by bolstering Gome's financial position.
    14. Beijing faces a delicate balancing act in trying to cool the sector while also bolstering economic activity.
    15. Ignoring your true problems, or bolstering your strengths is simply not going to help you or your customers.
    16. In support of western policy aimed at bolstering Fatah and at forcing Hamas to recognise Israel and renounce violence, Egypt has joined with Israel to enforce its blockade on Gaza.
    17. The Fox-Pitt deal, aside from bolstering Macquarie's research capabilities, will also give the investment bank a foothold in one of the most important industry sectors: financial institutions.
    18. US policy in central Asia is aimed at bolstering the region's sovereignty and independence and fostering co-operation on security, energy, and internal reform.
    19. The Shinzo Abe government has pursued a policy agenda aimed at bolstering Japan's international military role.
    20. Leading steelmakers have also been bolstering their cross-shareholdings as a means of protecting themselves against hostile takeover attempts.
    21. Volvo is also bolstering its senior management team and has hired a chief financial officer, head of marketing, and head of research and development.
    22. He said there must be emphasis on national reconciliation and bolstering the young Iraqi government and he stressed any long-term solution depends on the ability of other countries to step in and help.
    23. Why should Donahue's people concern themselves with bolstering your image?
    24. Chamillionaire and rappers like him are bolstering their careers through successful navigation of the tech and social media world.
    25. But while total lending may be falling, signs suggest that upbeat consumers are bolstering consumer lending.
    26. The Indians 'increasingly strong ties with America are bolstering their confidence in dealing with China.
    27. This means adopting WHO policies for HIV-linked TB and drug-resistant disease, and bolstering service quality.
    28. Whereas Mr Abbas was willing to negotiate a demilitarised state with Israel, Hamas is bolstering its armed forces.
    29. Named for the ancient trade route, the plan would offer an economic boost to Afghanistan and its neighbors by bolstering trade across South and Central Asia.
    30. Partly, this means national governments must take responsibility for bolstering their own research infrastructure and agricultural sectors, rather than leaving it to the international community.