
英 [bæɡ] 美 [bæɡ]

n.  (尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋; 手提包; 旅行袋; 一袋(的量)
v.  把…装进袋子; 捕获,猎杀(动物); 得分



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1292 / COCA.1008



    容器 container

  1. (尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋
    a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in shops/stores
    1. a plastic/polythene/paper bag
      塑料 / 聚乙烯 / 纸袋
    2. a laundry/mail bag
    3. a black plastic rubbish/garbage bag
  2. 手提包;旅行袋
    a strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc., usually with one or two handles, used to carry things in when shopping or travelling
    1. a shopping bag
    2. a make-up bag
    3. He's upstairs unpacking his bags.
    4. She opened her bag (= her handbag ) and took out her comb.
  3. 数量 amount

  4. 一袋(的量)
    the amount contained in a bag
    1. She ate a bag of chips.
  5. 大量;很多
    a large amount or a large number of sth
    1. Get in! There's bags of room.
  6. 眼下方 under eyes

  7. 黑眼圈;眼袋
    dark circles or loose folds of skin under the eyes, as a result of getting old or lack of sleep
    1. 讨厌的女人 unpleasant woman

    2. 丑妇,泼妇(指讨厌或坏脾气的年长女人)
      an insulting word for an unpleasant or bad-tempered older woman
      1. 鸟;动物 birds/animals

      2. (一次)猎获物
        all the birds, animals, etc. shot or caught on one occasion


          装进袋子 put into bags

        1. 把…装进袋子
          to put sth into bags
          1. The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm.
        2. 捕猎动物 catch animal

        3. 捕获,猎杀(动物)
          to catch or kill an animal
          1. 体育运动 in sport

          2. 得分
            to score a goal, point, etc.
            1. Dublin bagged two goals in last night's win.
          3. 声称拥有 claim sth

          4. 抢占;占有
            to claim sth as yours before sb else claims it; to take sth before sb else can get it
            1. Sally had managed to bag the two best seats.
            2. Quick, bag that table over there!
          5. 批评;挑剔;指责
            to criticize sb/sth


            1. N-COUNT (纸质或塑料)袋
              A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought.
              1. A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag.
            2. N-COUNT 拎袋;旅行袋
              A bag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in.
              1. She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag.
              2. A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag.
            3. 同handbag
              A bag is the same as a handbag .
              1. 眼袋
                If you have bags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep.
                1. QUANT 大量;很多
                  If you say there is bags of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it. If you say that there are bags of things, you mean that there are a large number of them.
                  1. ...a hotel with bags of character.
                2. 老娘们;丑老太婆;蠢妇
                  If someone calls a woman an old bag or a stupid bag, they are insulting her.
                  1. VERB 抢先占有
                    If you bag something that a lot of people want, you get it for yourself before anyone else can get it.
                    1. The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.
                  2. See also: bum bag carrier bag mixed bag shoulder-bag sleeping bag tea bag
                  3. PHRASE 囊中之物;稳操胜券;十拿九稳
                    If you say that something is in the bag, you mean that you are certain that you will get it or achieve it.
                    1. 'I'll get the Republican nomination,' he assured me. 'It's in the bag.'
                  4. PHRASE 背别人甩掉的包袱;背黑锅
                    If you are left holding the bag, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it.
                    1. I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong.
                  5. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 be left holding the baby

                  6. PHRASE 收拾行李;打点行装
                    If you pack your bags, you leave a place where you have been staying or living.
                    1. Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags.
                  7. to let the cat out of the bag → see: cat


                  1. She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag.
                  2. The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.
                  3. 'I'll get the Republican nomination,' he assured me. 'It's in the bag.'
                  4. I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong.
                  5. Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags.
                  6. They check my bag and press card.
                  7. She fiddled with the catch of her bag
                  8. He stuffed a bag with a few changes of clothing.
                  9. She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper.
                  10. Bomb disposal experts blew up the bag in a controlled explosion
                  11. He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.
                  12. All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag
                  13. She came in and raised hell. Her son's sports bag was missing
                  14. I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag
                  15. Now, let's see. Where did I leave my bag?
                  16. Bring a sleeping bag and foam mat.
                  17. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results
                  18. He realized he'd left his overnight bag at Mary's house.
                  19. He took the machine from its bag and plugged it into the wall socket
                  20. She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.
                  21. Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector.
                  22. The bag snapped open.
                  23. Nancy gripped the strap of her beach bag
                  24. He held out a small bag tied with string.
                  25. He tied the ends of the plastic bag together
                  26. I should not leave my briefcase and camera bag unguarded.
                  27. I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual
                  28. Oh dear! The travelling bag has been left behind.
                  29. This bag is a trifle too heavy.
                  30. I bought a bag of bird feed.


                    bag pouch purse sack wallet【导航词义:袋子】

                    bag n. 包,袋子


                  a food/mail/money/paper/travelling bag

                    pouch n. (随身携带的)小袋


                  a tobacco pouch
                  She handed her money pouch to me.

                    purse n. 〈尤英〉(女式)钱包; 〈美〉(女用)手提包,手袋

                  〔辨析〕尤指女士放零钱、信用卡等的小钱包,或放化妆品及其他随身小物件的手提包,相当于 handbag。

                  She put the money into her purse.
                  She locked the car and dropped the keys in her purse.

                    sack n. 麻袋,粗布袋,大口袋


                  a sack of coal/potatoes/wheat

                    wallet n. 钱包,皮夹子


                  There was some money in his wallet.
                  She found a wallet lying on the floor.



                    bag and baggage

                  • (尤指秘密地或突然地)携带全部财产
                    with all your possessions, especially secretly or suddenly
                    1. He threw her out onto the street, bag and baggage.
                  • a bag of bones

                  • 瘦骨嶙峋的人(或动物);皮包骨
                    a very thin person or animal
                    1. be in the bag

                    2. 十拿九稳
                      if sth is in the bag , it is almost certain to be won or achieved
                      1. leave sb holding the bag

                      2. 突然把重担推给某人
                        to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important, such as finishing a difficult job, that is really your responsibility
                        1. (not) sb's bag

                        2. (非)爱好,特长
                          (not) sth that you are interested in or good at
                          1. Poetry isn't really my bag.
                        3. let the cat out of the bag

                        4. (无意中)泄露秘密
                          to tell a secret carelessly or by mistake
                          1. I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
                        5. be a bag/bundle of nerves

                        6. 非常紧张
                          to be very nervous
                          1. pack your bags

                          2. (尤指产生分歧后)永远离开
                            to leave a person or place permanently, especially after a disagreement
                            1. a bag/box of tricks

                            2. 一套措施;全部法宝
                              a set of methods or equipment that sb can use


                                bags (I)…

                              • …是我的;我要求…
                                used to claim sth as yours before sb else can claim it
                                1. Bags I sit in the front seat!



                              1. an activity that you like or at which you are superior
                                1. chemistry is not my cup of tea
                                2. his bag now is learning to play golf
                                3. marriage was scarcely his dish

                                Synonym:    cup of teadish

                              2. mammary gland of bovids (cows and sheep and goats)

                                  Synonym:    udder

                                1. a flexible container with a single opening
                                  1. he stuffed his laundry into a large bag

                                2. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes
                                  1. he carried his small bag onto the plane with him

                                  Synonym:    traveling bagtravelling baggripsuitcase

                                3. a container used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women)
                                  1. she reached into her bag and found a comb

                                  Synonym:    handbagpocketbookpurse

                                4. a place that the runner must touch before scoring
                                  1. he scrambled to get back to the bag

                                  Synonym:    base

                                5. an ugly or ill-tempered woman
                                  1. he was romancing the old bag for her money

                                  Synonym:    old bag

                                6. the quantity of game taken in a particular period (usually by one person)
                                  1. his bag included two deer

                                7. the quantity that a bag will hold
                                  1. he ate a large bag of popcorn

                                  Synonym:    bagful


                                1. capture or kill, as in hunting
                                  1. bag a few pheasants

                                2. put into a bag
                                  1. The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries

                                3. take unlawfully

                                    Synonym:    pocket

                                  1. bulge out

                                      Synonym:    bulge

                                    1. hang loosely, like an empty bag