
英 [step] 美 [step]

n.  迈步; 脚步声; 步伐; 步态; 一步(的距离)
v.  迈步; 踩; 踏; 行走



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.720 / COCA.587



    动作;声音 movement/sound

  1. 迈步;脚步声
    the act of lifting your foot and putting it down in order to walk or move somewhere; the sound this makes
    1. a baby's first steps
    2. He took a step towards the door.
    3. We heard steps outside.
  2. 步履 way of walking

  3. 步伐;步态
    the way that sb walks
    1. He walked with a quick light step.
  4. 距离 distance

  5. 一步(的距离)
    the distance that you cover when you take a step
    1. It's only a few steps further.
    2. He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come) .
    3. She moved a step closer to me.
    4. The hotel is only a short step from the beach.
  6. 系列;过程 in series/process

  7. 步骤;措施
    one of a series of things that you do in order to achieve sth
    1. This was a first step towards a united Europe.
    2. It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world.
    3. We are taking steps to prevent pollution.
    4. This won't solve the problem but it's a step in the right direction .
    5. The new drug is a major step forward in the treatment of the disease.
  8. 步;阶段
    one of a series of things that sb does or that happen, which forms part of a process
    1. Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2.
    2. I'd like to take this idea a step further .
    3. This was a big step up (= to a better position) in his career.
    4. I'll explain it to you step by step .
    5. a step-by-step guide to building your own home
  9. 台阶 stair

  10. 台阶;梯级
    a surface that you put your foot on in order to walk to a higher or lower level, especially one of a series
    1. She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.
    2. We walked down some stone steps to the beach.
    3. A short flight of steps led up to the door.
  11. 舞蹈 in dance

  12. 舞步
    a series of movements that you make with your feet and which form a dance
    1. 健身运动 exercise

    2. 踏板操
      a type of exercise that you do by stepping on and off a raised piece of equipment
      1. step aerobics
      2. a step class
    3. 梯子 ladder

    4. 折梯;梯子
      a stepladder
      1. a pair of steps
      2. We need the steps to get into the attic.
    5. 音乐 in music

    6. 音级;度
      the interval between two notes that are next to each other in a scale


      1. 迈步;踩;踏;行走
        to lift your foot and move it in a particular direction or put it on or in sth; to move a short distance
        1. to step onto/off a bus
          上 / 下公共汽车
        2. I stepped forward when my name was called out.
        3. She stepped aside to let them pass.
        4. We stepped carefully over the broken glass.
        5. I turned around quickly and stepped on his toes.
        6. Going into the hotel is like stepping back in time.


      1. N-COUNT (脚)步;步子
        If you take a step, you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking.
        1. I took a step towards him...
        2. She walked on a few steps...
        3. I followed her, five steps behind...
          我跟着她,保持 5 步的距离。
        4. He heard steps in the corridor.
      2. VERB 踩;踏;跨步;迈步
        If you step on something or step in a particular direction, you put your foot on the thing or move your foot in that direction.
        1. This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon...
        2. She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train...
        3. I tried to step back, but he held my upper arms too tightly.
      3. N-COUNT 阶梯;台阶
        Steps are a series of surfaces at increasing or decreasing heights, on which you put your feet in order to walk up or down to a different level.
        1. This little room was along a passage and down some steps...
        2. A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace.
      4. See also: A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house... Leave empty milk bottles on the step. doorstep
      5. N-COUNT 步骤;措施
        A step is one of a series of actions that you take in order to achieve something.
        1. He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace...
        2. She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it...
        3. The elections were a step in the right direction, but there is a lot more to be done.
      6. N-COUNT 阶段;等级;进程
        A step in a process is one of a series of stages.
        1. The next step is to put the theory into practice...
        2. Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further.
      7. 舞步
        The steps of a dance are the sequences of foot movements which make it up.
        1. N-SING 步态;步姿;步伐
          Someone's step is the way they walk.
          1. He quickened his step...
          2. There was a real spring in her step.
        2. 同 stepladder
          Steps are the same as a stepladder .
          1. PHRASE 比…领先一步;避开
            If you stay one step ahead of someone or something, you manage to achieve more than they do or avoid competition or danger from them.
            1. Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd...
            2. Businessmen cluster together to get ideas, tips, personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer.
            3. ...nations only a few steps ahead of famine.
          2. PHRASE 步伐整齐/步伐不整齐;合拍/不合拍
            If people who are walking or dancing are in step, they are moving their feet forward at exactly the same time as each other. If they are out of step, their feet are moving forward at different times.
            1. They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step...
            2. They jogged in silence a while, faces lowered, out of step...
            3. She slipped her hand into his and fell into step beside him.
          3. PHRASE (想法、意见等)与…一致/与…不一致
            If people are in step with each other, their ideas or opinions are the same. If they are out of step with each other, their ideas or opinions are different.
            1. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington...
            2. The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion.
          4. PHRASE 快点;赶快
            If you tell someone to step on it, you are telling them to go faster or hurry up.
            1. We've only got thirty-five minutes so step on it.
              我们只有 35 分钟了,快点。
          5. PHRASE 一步一步地;逐步地
            If you do something step by step, you do it by progressing gradually from one stage to the next.
            1. I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step...
            2. Follow our simple step-by-step instructions.
          6. 谨慎地行事(或说话)
            If someone tells you to watch your step, they are warning you to be careful about how you behave or what you say so that you do not get into trouble.


            1. The government took another step on the road to political reform.
            2. I took a step towards him
            3. He heard steps in the corridor.
            4. This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon
            5. She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train
            6. I tried to step back, but he held my upper arms too tightly.
            7. This little room was along a passage and down some steps
            8. A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace.
            9. A little girl was sitting on the step of the end house
            10. Leave empty milk bottles on the step.
            11. He greeted the agreement as the first step towards peace
            12. She is not content with her present lot and wishes to take steps to improve it
            13. The elections were a step in the right direction, but there is a lot more to be done.
            14. The next step is to put the theory into practice
            15. Aristotle took the scientific approach a step further.
            16. There was a real spring in her step.
            17. Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd
            18. Businessmen cluster together to get ideas, tips, personal contacts anything to get a step ahead of the computer.
            19. They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step
            20. They jogged in silence a while, faces lowered, out of step
            21. She slipped her hand into his and fell into step beside him.
            22. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington
            23. The British Government is once more out of step with world opinion.
            24. I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step
            25. We have made a step towards success.
            26. You must think twice before you take this step.
            27. He's out of step with the rest of us.
            28. Sorry! Did I step on your foot?


              measure expedient step【导航词义:措施】

              measure n. 措施,办法


            Measures are being taken to prevent drunk driving in the city.
            New food safety measures are being demanded.

              expedient n. 权宜之计


            Gradually, this became an expedient rather than an indispensable tactic.

              step n. 措施


            the first step in reforming the welfare system
            We must take steps to end the war.
            We are taking steps to protect our environment.


            step aside step down

            1. 辞职;下台;让位  

            step back

            1. 退一步,置身事外(思考)  

            step in

            1. 介入,干预,插手(棘手问题)  

            step out

            1. 离开;退出  

            step up

            1. 增加(数量);提高(速度、强度等)  


            step aside/down

            1. 让位;退位
              to leave an important job or position and let sb else take your place

              step back (from sth)

              1. 跳出(某事物的)圈子看问题
                to think about a situation calmly, as if you are not involved in it yourself

                step forward

                1. 主动站出来(帮忙或提供信息);自告奋勇
                  to offer to help sb or give information

                  step in

                  1. 居间调停;居中斡旋;援之以手
                    to help sb in a disagreement or difficult situation

                    step out

                    1. 出去
                      to go out
                      1. Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2.
                      2. I'd like to take this idea a step further .
                      3. This was a big step up (= to a better position) in his career.
                      4. I'll explain it to you step by step .
                      5. a step-by-step guide to building your own home

                    step up

                    1. 走上前去
                      to come forward
                      1. She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.
                      2. We walked down some stone steps to the beach.
                      3. A short flight of steps led up to the door.

                    step sth↔up

                    1. 增加,提高(数量、速度等)
                      to increase the amount, speed, etc. of sth



                        break step

                      • 走乱步伐
                        to change the way you are walking so that you do not walk in the same rhythm as the people you are walking or marching with
                        1. fall into step (beside/with sb)

                        2. (和某人)合上步伐,步调一致起来
                          to change the way you are walking so that you start walking in the same rhythm as the person you are walking with
                          1. He caught her up and fell into step beside her.
                        3. in/out of step (with sb/sth)

                        4. (和某人)步伐一致(或不一致);(和音乐)合拍(或不合拍)
                          putting your feet on the ground in the right/wrong way, according to the rhythm of the music or the people you are moving with
                          1. (和某人)想法一致(或不一致)
                            having ideas that are the same as or different from other people's
                            1. She was out of step with her colleagues.
                          2. mind/watch your step

                          3. 走路小心
                            to walk carefully
                            1. 言行小心谨慎
                              to behave in a careful and sensible way
                              1. one step forward, two steps back

                              2. 进一步,退两步
                                used to say that every time you make progress, sth bad happens that means that the situation is worse than before
                                1. a/one step ahead (of sb/sth)

                                2. 避开(某人或某事物);领先(某人或某事物)一步
                                  when you are one step ahead of sb/sth, you manage to avoid them or to achieve sth more quickly than they do
                                  1. a/one step at a time

                                  2. 一步一步;逐步;按部就班
                                    when you do sth one step at a time you do it slowly and gradually


                                      step into the breach

                                    • 临时顶替某人工作;临时顶缺
                                      to do sb's job or work when they are suddenly or unexpectedly unable to do it
                                      1. step into sb's shoes

                                      2. 接替某人的工作
                                        to continue a job or the work that sb else has started
                                        1. step on it

                                        2. (尤用以要求加速驾驶)开快点,赶快
                                          used especially in orders to tell sb to drive faster
                                          1. step on sb's toes

                                            step on sb's toes

                                            step out of line

                                            be/get out of line

                                          2. 表现不好;不守规矩;越轨;出格
                                            to behave badly or break the rules



                                            1. any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
                                              1. the situation called for strong measures
                                              2. the police took steps to reduce crime

                                              Synonym:    measure

                                            2. the act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down
                                              1. he walked with unsteady steps

                                            3. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance
                                              1. he taught them the waltz step

                                              Synonym:    dance step

                                            4. support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
                                              1. he paused on the bottom step

                                              Synonym:    stair

                                            5. a solid block joined to the beams in which the heel of a ship's mast or capstan is fixed

                                              1. a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
                                                1. the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window

                                                Synonym:    footprintfootmark

                                              2. a musical interval of two semitones

                                                  Synonym:    tonewhole tonewhole step

                                                1. the sound of a step of someone walking
                                                  1. he heard footsteps on the porch

                                                  Synonym:    footfallfootstep

                                                2. the distance covered by a step
                                                  1. he stepped off ten paces from the old tree and began to dig

                                                  Synonym:    footsteppacestride

                                                3. a short distance
                                                  1. it's only a step to the drugstore

                                                  Synonym:    stone's throw

                                                4. relative position in a graded series
                                                  1. always a step behind
                                                  2. subtle gradations in color
                                                  3. keep in step with the fashions

                                                  Synonym:    gradation


                                                1. move or proceed as if by steps into a new situation
                                                  1. She stepped into a life of luxury
                                                  2. he won't step into his father's footsteps

                                                2. measure (distances) by pacing
                                                  1. step off ten yards

                                                  Synonym:    pace

                                                3. place (a ship's mast) in its step

                                                  1. shift or move by taking a step
                                                    1. step back

                                                  2. put down or press the foot, place the foot
                                                    1. For fools rush in where angels fear to tread
                                                    2. step on the brake

                                                    Synonym:    tread

                                                  3. walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified manner
                                                    1. step over to the blackboard

                                                  4. move with one's feet in a specific manner
                                                    1. step lively

                                                  5. furnish with steps
                                                    1. The architect wants to step the terrace

                                                  6. treat badly
                                                    1. This boss abuses his workers
                                                    2. She is always stepping on others to get ahead

                                                    Synonym:    mistreatmaltreatabuseill-useill-treat

                                                  7. cause (a computer) to execute a single command