
网络  中和; 抵消; 中性灰处理器




  1. If you must snack, eat it all at once, rather than picking at it, so that the saliva can quickly neutralise the acid generated in the mouth.
  2. Chengdu Zoo in Sichuan Province: With guns drawn, police stepped into neutralise the threat from an escaped tiger.
  3. The index in which JPMorgan is believed to have had a large position initially rose on the news of its losing position, an indication the losses could be higher than the bank reported ( the bank is thought to have moved to neutralise its positions).
  4. In short, significantly lower prices over the medium to long term will directly neutralise what Saudi Arabia perceives as the destructive geopolitical actions of these countries in the Middle East.
  5. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals before they can cause harm.
  6. Antioxidants – found in all fruit, vegetables, herbs and seeds in varying levels – are important because they neutralise molecules called free radicals.
  7. Second, modernise the economy and neutralise the resource curse.
  8. You can see why such a trade-off might be tempting to some in Washington: it would take Iran off the table during the campaign and neutralise any electoral advantage accruing to the more hawkish Mr Romney.
  9. The Total Base Number ( TBN) can be described as a measure of oil ′ s ability to neutralise strong acids created during the combustion process.
  10. Mr Obama's plan would neutralise that hit ( see table).
  11. Larger fiscal deficits will not neutralise the impact of these factors.
  12. Safety car: the safety car may be brought into operation to neutralise a race upon the decision of the clerk of the course at any time after and including the third lap.
  13. The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
  14. The detergents have a secondary role in providing ′ base ′ ( or TBN) to neutralise combustions acids
  15. The party is likely to run on a "social justice" ticket of higher benefits and a universal minimum wage in an effort to neutralise the fast-growing Left Party.
  16. Fundamentally, Goldman has lost the ability to neutralise the vitriol which greets its every move.
  17. Moreover, in a practical sense, any rise in bond yields threatens to neutralise some if not all of the reflationary impact of the rate-cutting efforts by central banks.
  18. However, a system has also been put in place to regulate entrepreneurs 'investment overseas and subsequent round-trip investments back into China and to neutralise the implications that a change in their nationality may have on the legal characterisation of their domestic businesses.
  19. The government hopes to achieve twin goals with the public housing push: neutralise some of the political furore about the rising cost of housing, while providing a fillip to property construction, which will be hit by measures to limit speculative buying.
  20. In the UK, water is made safe by various cleaning processes to neutralise it, then disinfected with chlorine, and it may have fluoride added to it.
  21. Central banks have in recent years struggled to neutralise the impact of portfolio inflows on the local money supply, adopting a strategy known as sterilisation.
  22. Instead, the research suggests adding what it terms a "completeness portfolio" made up of sector indices to neutralise the sector biases of an index.
  23. The incident seems likely to neutralise whatever goodwill has been generated.
  24. They excrete tiny pellets of calcium carbonate which partially neutralise the increasing acidity of the oceans caused by dissolved carbon dioxide.
  25. Using one drug to neutralise resistance to another looks worthy of further research.
  26. This will neutralise the residual imbalance of the components.
  27. Beijing has managed to neutralise a lot of potential tensions about the "China threat" by settling border disputes, increasing its participation in international organisations and distributing aid.



  1. make chemically neutral
    1. She neutralized the solution

    Synonym:    neutralize

  2. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
    1. Her optimism neutralizes his gloom
    2. This action will negate the effect of my efforts

    Synonym:    neutralizenullifynegate

  3. make incapable of military action

      Synonym:    neutralize

    1. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing
      1. The mafia liquidated the informer
      2. the double agent was neutralized

      Synonym:    neutralizeliquidatewasteknock offdo in