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  1. Since WTP allows for starting, stopping, and deploying entire Web applications, it makes for very easy Web application development environment.
  2. WTP allows for multiple simultaneous connections to different database systems.
  3. Deploy the project to Apache Tomcat using Eclipse WTP, and start the server.
  4. The ATF extends the WTP by adding an Ajax development environment for a variety of open source Ajax tool kits, including Dojo, Zimbra, and Rico.
  5. The CWB does not use all of the WTP plug-ins, but instead uses some of the data tool plug-ins, and adds functionality by providing additional plug-ins.
  6. However, a new Eclipse tools project known as the Web Tools Platform ( WTP) was announced last year, with a goal of providing the base capabilities required to develop J2EE ™ Web applications.
  7. The XML editor builds upon the existing Eclipse WTP editor and adds new features.
  8. Here are the basic steps for installing and using the WTP
  9. In the next section, you'll use the JSP debugger feature of the WTP to look at the values returned in the FlightsBean when selecting a flight.
  10. Though several Eclipse-based J2EE development suites have been available in the commercial market for a while, WTP is a relative newcomer.
  11. While the initial setup for the Eclipse WTP is more complex than the soapUI tool, it provides a more user friendly interface ( forms instead of raw requests).
  12. Some of the features of the WTP are used in this article, but it is not a comprehensive tutorial of the WTP tools.
  13. I hope this article has provided a solid foundation for using the numerous tools available within WTP and the Derby plug-ins.
  14. In case you already have Eclipse installed, or some of the prerequisites for WTP, the versions of the plug-ins contained in the wtp-all-in-one zip file are listed below for you to compare.
  15. This list is not complete, and there are many more features that are provided, including those provided by the underlying Eclipse platform and Eclipse Web Tools Platform ( WTP) project.
  16. Instead of working with raw SOAP requests, WTP can create a form for each of your Web service methods, allowing you to simply enter values into the form and send the request.
  17. Using the WTP plug-ins, the New Connection wizard is very similar; however, other database vendors are listed in the database manager area.
  18. Before you perform any deployment or testing activities with the server, you must define a new server and server runtime, which are two WTP concepts
  19. For Eclipse versions prior to3.2, see the installation instructions on the WTP Web site.
  20. Now let's look at the JSP debugging capabilities of the WTP.
  21. The WTP support allows you to have multiple Web modules within a single Eclipse project& therefore, you now need to create both the project and module definitions.
  22. Generally speaking, if the task you need to complete is related to Web development, you will usually find the right tool in the WTP.
  23. You can create one using the WTP set of tools, and it will automatically create the correct directory structure for J2EE Web applications.
  24. When the WTP project is completed, this action will happen automatically, but for now you need to manually restart the server in "Debug" mode.
  25. The Eclipse Web Tools Platform ( WTP) project set of tools for developing J2EE ™ and Web applications, along with the Derby Eclipse plug-ins, allows for rapid and simplified Web development.
  26. Plant extracts were applied for deodorization in wastewater treatment plant ( WTP).
  27. To configure a group or single instance within STS, open the WTP Servers view and create a new server.
  28. The Enterprise Pack came bundled with Eclipse Web Tools Platform ( WTP) integration, database and server adapters and made them available independent of the Studio IDE.