
网络  无中介的; 无媒介的; 非中介; 无中介

BNC.35192 / COCA.25045


  1. And, in having unmediated access to you via your phone, Google can also sell you insurance or make you an offer for your personal data on the go, using a price point that you are most likely to accept.
  2. But what Lin Heung does offer is a tasty and unmediated slice of Old Hong Kong.
  3. They dream of an unmediated relationship between experience and the word.
  4. Unmediated relations between God and man.
  5. With the end of the Mask series, Zeng began to pursue more unmediated forms of painterly expression.
  6. The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors.
  7. This paper analyzes the reason, necessity and possibility of implementing unmediated document delivery service, and presents some suggestions on how to implement the service.
  8. A Study on Unmediated Document Delivery Service
  9. Methods: Clinical assessment and family genetic method were used to study the clinical characteristics, comorbidity, family spectrum, and response to treatment of 90 unmediated patients with OCD.
  10. To correlate EEG data with the obsessive and compulsive features of OCD. Method: EEGs ( 8-channel) were recorded from 19 unmediated patients with OCD but no depression and from 20 age-and-sex-matched control subjects by biofeedback device.



  1. having no intervening persons, agents, conditions
    1. in direct sunlight
    2. in direct contact with the voters
    3. direct exposure to the disease
    4. a direct link
    5. the direct cause of the accident
    6. direct vote

    Synonym:    direct