A custodian or trustee is appointed to oversee the debtor's property to protect it from loss. 指定一位监护人或管理人来监管债务人的财产免受损失。
The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary. 受托人必须受益人管理信托财产。
The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor. 法院指定一名破产财产托管人以管理债务人的财产。
Payment from the client and the copyright transfer from the t trustee constitute the consideration that Impacts copyright transfer. 但是委托人支付报酬的义务与受托人移转著作权的义务构成对价,并对法律推定的著作权的移转产生影响。
Former New York State Senator and Company trustee Morris Franklin was elected president. 前纽约州参议员和公司董事富兰克林当选总裁。
A trust in which the trustee performs no active duties. 受托人对信托财产不实施任何积极行为的信托。
The trustee must revert the trust property if he changes the trust property into his inherent property; 受托人将信托财产转为其固有财产的,必须恢复该信托财产的原状;
Use this overload of the constructor to grant rights to the specified trustee. 使用构造函数的此重载向指定受信者授予权限。
Object that identifies the trustee for whom the system will audit access. 对象,该对象标识了系统将审核其权限的受信者。
The trust legal relation includes the tripartite party: client, trustee and beneficiary. 信托法律关系包括三方当事人:委托人、受托人和受益人。
The trustee undertakes to trust the obligation to the client, including faithful obligation and attention obligation. 受托人对委托人承担信赖义务,包括忠实义务和注意义务。
Another way of avoiding personal liability for a trustee is to use a company as trustee. 用公司来充任受托人是受托人免除个人责任的另一条途径。
The trustee may be the beneficiary, but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust. 受托人可以是受益人,但不得是同一信托的唯一受益人。
He will be find liable If he assist a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust. 如果他帮助受托人不诚实地违反信托,他将被判处承担法律责任。
Trustee and custodian expenses are also deducted as a percentage of the fund's total net assets annually. 此外,信讬人和讬管人的费用也是每年从基金总净值中扣除。
You must specify a value for the name property before using the trustee to set permissions. 在使用trustee设置权限之前,必须为name属性指定一个值。
The committee may solicit and accept on behalf of the trustee donations and bequests to the fund. 委可代表受人徵求和接受基金的捐及。
The trustee wields the management decision-making and the business execution in the joint-stock company. 董事(会)在股份公司中执掌经营决策和业务执行权力。
The law regards the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary as a fiduciary relationship. 法律把受托人和受益人之间的关系看作是一种信用关系。
The violation was discovered before the bankruptcy petition was filed and continued after notification to the trustee. 在填写破产申请之前已经发现其违法了,而在通知了受托人之后其违法行为仍在继续。
The common law regards the trustee as the legal owner of the property. 普通法视受托人为财产的法律上的所有者。
Net trustee and director of Tsinghua University's Development Research Academy Institute for the21st Century will chair the committee. 科学与发展网络的理事和清华大学21世纪发展研究院的院长薛澜将主持该委员会的工作。
Court-appointed trustee who will administer the affairs of a bankrupt company or individual. 破产财产托管人:是指由法院指定的管理破产了的公司或者个人的事务的托管人。
The management fees payable to the trustee; 应付托管人管理费;
Change of its overseas trustee, domestic custodian or overseas escrow agent; 变更境外受托人、境内托管人或者境外托管代理人的;
The new trustee shall inherit the rights and obligations of handling the trust affairs of the former trustee. 原受托人处理信托事务的权利和义务,由新受托人承继。
I received a letter from my trustee at the bank. 我得到我银行里财产保管人的一封信。
The globus toolkit is used to control and trustee the entire system. 平台使用Globus工具,采用了统一控制和完全托管的思想。
The so-called trustee manager will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Hutchison. 所谓的信托管理人将是和记黄埔的一家全资子公司。
The Trustee, Trustees, or any successor Trustee named in such Trust Agreement shall serve without bond. 修订和重新表述的信托宣言在此全文表述,但并没有规定可以进行任何的后续修改。委托管理人或任何继承委托管理人应依照执行。