
英 [ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美 [ˈʃoʊldər]

n.  肩; 肩膀; 肩胛; …肩膀的; (衣服的)肩部
v.  承担; 担负; 挤; 闯; (用肩膀)推开,顶开



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1149 / COCA.986



    身体部位 part of body

  1. 肩;肩膀;肩胛
    either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck
    1. He slung the bag over his shoulder.
    2. She tapped him on the shoulder.
    3. He looked back over his shoulder.
    4. She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care) .
    5. an off-the-shoulder dress
    6. He carried the child on his shoulders.
  2. 肩膀… -shouldered

  3. …肩膀的
    having the type of shoulders mentioned
    1. broad-shouldered
  4. 衣服 clothing

  5. (衣服的)肩部
    the part of a piece of clothing that covers the shoulder
    1. a jacket with padded shoulders
  6. 肉 meat

  7. 前腿连肩肉
    meat from the top part of one of the front legs of an animal that has four legs
    1. 山、瓶子等 of mountain/bottle, etc.

    2. 山肩;瓶肩
      a part of sth, such as a bottle or mountain, that is shaped like a shoulder
      1. The village lay just around the shoulder of the hill.
    3. 公路边 side of road

    4. 路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带)
      an area of ground at the side of a road where vehicles can stop in an emergency
      1. No shoulder for next 5 miles.


      承担责任 accept responsibility

    1. 承担;担负
      to accept the responsibility for sth
      1. to shoulder the responsibility/blame for sth
        对某事承担责任 / 过失
      2. women who shoulder the double burden of childcare and full-time work
    2. 用肩推 push with shoulder

    3. 挤;闯
      to push forward with your shoulder in order to get somewhere
      1. He shouldered his way through the crowd and went after her.
      2. She shouldered past a woman with a screaming baby.
    4. (用肩膀)推开,顶开
      to push sb/sth out of your way with your shoulder
      1. He shouldered the man aside.
    5. 肩负 carry on shoulder

    6. 背;扛;挑;担
      to carry sth on your shoulder
      1. She shouldered her bag and set off home.


    1. N-COUNT 肩;肩膀;肩胛
      Your shoulders are between your neck and the tops of your arms.
      1. She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder...
      2. He glanced over his shoulder and saw me watching him.
    2. N-COUNT (衣服的)肩部
      The shoulders of a piece of clothing are the parts that cover your shoulders.
      1. ...extravagant fashions with padded shoulders.
    3. N-PLURAL (问题、责任等)由…承担,落在…肩上
      When you talk about someone's problems or responsibilities, you can say that they carry them on their shoulders .
      1. No one suspected the anguish he carried on his shoulders...
      2. I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.
    4. VERB 承担;担负;肩负
      If you shoulder the responsibility or the blame for something, you accept it.
      1. He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes...
      2. Some of the blame for the disastrous night must be shouldered by the promoters.
    5. VERB 背;扛;挑;担
      If you shoulder something heavy, you put it across one of your shoulders so that you can carry it more easily.
      1. The rest of the group shouldered their bags, gritted their teeth and set off...
      2. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.
    6. VERB 用肩推(或挤)
      If you shoulder someone aside or if you shoulder your way somewhere, you push past people roughly using your shoulder.
      1. The policemen rushed past him, shouldering him aside...
      2. She could do nothing to stop him as he shouldered his way into the house...
      3. He shouldered past Harlech and opened the door.
    7. N-VAR (动物的)前腿连肩肉,前胛肉
      A shoulder is a joint of meat from the upper part of the front leg of an animal.
      1. ...shoulder of lamb.
    8. See also: cold-shoulder hard shoulder
    9. PHRASE 倾诉的对象
      If someone offers you a shoulder to cry on or is a shoulder to cry on, they listen sympathetically as you talk about your troubles.
      1. Mrs Barrantes longs to be at her daughter's side to offer her a shoulder to cry on...
      2. Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.
    10. PHRASE 远胜过;大大超越
      If you say that someone or something stands head and shoulders above other people or things, you mean that they are a lot better than them.
      1. The two candidates stood head and shoulders above the rest...
      2. I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other.
    11. PHRASE 惴惴不安;小心翼翼;小心提防
      If you say that someone is looking over their shoulder, you mean that they feel anxious all the time about what someone may do to them.
      1. When a company keeps making people redundant, those who are left behind might start looking over their shoulder.
    12. PHRASE 并肩;肩并肩
      If two or more people stand shoulder to shoulder, they are standing next to each other, with their shoulders touching.
      1. They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain...
      2. We went on board and saw these people packed shoulder to shoulder on the decks.
    13. PHRASE 同心协力地
      If people work or stand shoulder to shoulder, they work together in order to achieve something, or support each other.
      1. They could fight shoulder-to-shoulder against a common enemy...
      2. We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions.
    14. a chip on one's shoulder → see: chip


    1. He suffered a dislocated shoulder, cuts and bruises.
    2. My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder.
    3. I do special neck and shoulder exercises
    4. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder
    5. Her ear, shoulder and hip are in a straight line
    6. I've got a lump on my shoulder
    7. Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently.
    8. She led him to an armchair, with her arm round his shoulder
    9. He glanced over his shoulder and saw me watching him.
    10. No one suspected the anguish he carried on his shoulders
    11. I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.
    12. He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes
    13. Some of the blame for the disastrous night must be shouldered by the promoters.
    14. The rest of the group shouldered their bags, gritted their teeth and set off
    15. He shouldered his bike and walked across the finish line.
    16. The policemen rushed past him, shouldering him aside
    17. She could do nothing to stop him as he shouldered his way into the house
    18. He shouldered past Harlech and opened the door.
    19. Mrs Barrantes longs to be at her daughter's side to offer her a shoulder to cry on
    20. Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.
    21. The two candidates stood head and shoulders above the rest
    22. I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other.
    23. When a company keeps making people redundant, those who are left behind might start looking over their shoulder.
    24. They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain
    25. We went on board and saw these people packed shoulder to shoulder on the decks.
    26. We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions.
    27. Sharpe's leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain
    28. Daniels swept his arm over his friend's shoulder.
    29. Michelle had fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder
    30. The shoulder pole bent with heavy load.



      be looking over your shoulder

    • 惴惴不安;小心提防
      to be anxious and have the feeling that sb is going to do sth unpleasant or harmful to you
      1. on sb's shoulders

      2. 由某人承担
        if blame, guilt , etc. is on sb's shoulders , they must take responsibility for it
        1. put your shoulder to the wheel

        2. 着手大干起来;全力以赴
          to start working very hard at a particular task
          1. a shoulder to cry on

            a shoulder to cry on

            shoulder to shoulder (with sb)

          2. 肩并肩地;紧挨着
            physically close to sb
            1. 并肩;齐心协力
              as one group that has the same aims, opinions, etc.
              1. have a chip on your shoulder (about sth)

              2. (因受过委屈而变得)敏感,好生气
                to be sensitive about sth that happened in the past and become easily offended if it is mentioned because you think that you were treated unfairly
                1. give sb the cold shoulder

                2. 冷漠对待;使受到冷遇
                  to treat sb in an unfriendly way
                  1. be/stand head and shoulders above sb/sth

                  2. 比其他人(或事物)好得多;出类拔萃;鹤立鸡群
                    to be much better than other people or things
                    1. (have) an old head on young shoulders

                    2. 年轻老练;少年老成
                      used to describe a young person who acts in a more sensible way than you would expect for a person of their age
                      1. rub shoulders with sb

                      2. 与某人接触(或交往)
                        to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job
                        1. straight from the shoulder

                        2. 坦诚;直言不讳
                          if you say sth straight from the shoulder , you are being very honest and direct, even if what you are saying is critical



                          1. a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road
                            1. the car pulled off onto the shoulder

                            Synonym:    berm

                          2. the part of a garment that covers or fits over the shoulder
                            1. an ornamental gold braid on the shoulder of his uniform

                          3. the part of the body between the neck and the upper arm

                            1. a ball-and-socket joint between the head of the humerus and a cavity of the scapula

                                Synonym:    shoulder jointarticulatio humeri

                              1. a cut of meat including the upper joint of the foreleg


                                1. push with the shoulders
                                  1. He shouldered his way into the crowd

                                2. carry a burden, either real or metaphoric
                                  1. shoulder the burden

                                3. lift onto one's shoulders