
英 [ˈskaʊəz] 美 [ˈskaʊərz]

v.  (彻底地)搜寻,搜查,翻找; (用粗糙的物体)擦净,擦亮; 冲刷成; 冲刷出



  1. VERB 四处搜索;细查
    If you scour something such as a place or a book, you make a thorough search of it to try to find what you are looking for.
    1. Rescue crews had scoured an area of 30 square miles...
    2. We scoured the telephone directory for clues.
  2. VERB 擦净;擦亮
    If you scour something such as a sink, floor, or pan, you clean its surface by rubbing it hard with something rough.
    1. He decided to scour the sink.


  1. Amazon figured out early on how to create software that scours the web for price information from the competition and to automatically match the lowest available price.
  2. Under-the-hood tech also scours the Internet for items like relevant photos, videos, and articles, and weaves them in to create a media-rich retelling of the story.
  3. The daemon receives search terms and other parameters, scours one or more indices, and returns a result.
  4. Scratching and sniffing from seat to seat, the lonely pooch scours a bus in the desperate yet futile hope of picking up his missing master's scent.
  5. For days Jean-Luc scours the caves. He finds water but nothing to eat.
  6. Because CLP is not based on the Chinese mainland, it is agnostic when it scours the world in search of the best equipment for its plants.
  7. He constantly scours yard sales and flea markets for discarded objects that he transforms into playful works of art.
  8. In some, a destructive fishing practice called bottom trawling, which scours life from the ocean floor, is permitted. Hammer dredge is a technical improvement of the existing dredge sampler.
  9. The Channel tides have a play of more than twenty feet, with corresponding scours along the beaches.
  10. During dry period, Qianzhou Shoal scours with the head back off and the tail going up.
  11. The researches on scours and depositions of seabed in front of breakwaters under the action of regular and irregular waves in recent years are reviewed and summarized, including the scouring depositing patterns, the criteria for distinguishing scour and deposition patterns and the scouring and depositing mechanism etc.
  12. The scours of sand bed in front of vertical breakwaters under the action of broken waves and breaking waves are investigated.
  13. The results indicated that the curative effect of the Chinese herbal medicine preparation on piglet yellow and white scours was ′ nt dependent on its bacteriostatic effect.
  14. The results demonstrate that the treatment effect of yellow scours and white scours of new born piglets is remarkable and it is recommended that the Paste Ciprofloxacin should be widely used.
  15. In order to apply the research results to practical projects, the scale of model sediment and the scale of scours and depositions are suggested.
  16. The scours of a sand bed in front of a vertical breakwater acting by standing waves, broken waves or breaking waves are systematically investigated.
  17. Study on Components and Scours of Channel Materials in Waterline Section Following Fenhe Reservoir
  18. A preliminary report on the treatment of piglet scours by He-Ne laser irradiation of acupuncture points
  19. Effects of Bio MOS Complex on Prevention and Treatment of Coliform Scours in Piglets
  20. Research on the Protective Measures Against Foundation Scours of Spur Dikes and Diversion Dikes
  21. These results are important to study on cause of calf scours.
  22. On the Calf Scours and Mineral& Vitamin of Feed and Forage in Yellow Cattle
  23. Research on Paste Ciprofloxacin Treatment to Yellow and White Scours of New Born Piglets
  24. Scours of sand bed in front of vertical breakwaters under broken waves and breaking waves
  25. The yellow scours and white scours of new born piglets are treated with Paste Ciprofloxacin, taken orally in the amount of 10 mg/ kg, 2 times a day and 3 days as a course and compared with Furazolidone treatment.
  26. In view of the vertical breakwater, the scours and depositions in front of breakwaters and other correlative problems under the condition of complex ocean environment ( mainly broken waves) were investigated. ( 1) A numerical wave flume was created.
  27. In the same Seismic stress condition, rock debris objects on the steep slope is more easily off from the mountain under the effects of gravity and the river scours the mountain on both sides, making the uncertainty increase.
  28. The scours around coastal structures, such as breakwaters and seawalls, would threaten the safety of structures, and must be considered carefully in the course of designing and building.



  1. diarrhea in livestock