
英 [pəˈruːzɪŋ] 美 [pəˈruːzɪŋ]

v.  细读; 研读


  1. VERB 阅读;读
    If you peruse something such as a letter, article, or document, you read it.
    1. We perused the company's financial statements for the past five years...
    2. She found the information while she was perusing a copy of Life magazine.


  1. She found the information while she was perusing a copy of Life magazine.
  2. There are people who read very loud, and who have the appearance of giving themselves their word of honor as to what they are perusing.
  3. Or, they might start out perusing the community service and discover blogs or dogears in the process.
  4. Try perusing the firmware files in/ usr/ local/ share/ qemu ( or a similar directory in/ usr/ share if you installed using a distribution package).
  5. As my thinking has developed over the years, and after perusing many, many personality tests, I believe that there are four basic working styles: Doing, Leading, Loving, and Learning.
  6. If you pick up a record and look at the artist, track list, and additional information on the back, then your are perusing.
  7. What we should do is make an effort to read printed books. This will be especially helpful when perusing information we need for academic or career purposes.
  8. It is thought that slowing down the tempo of music in shops can trick customers into thinking less time has passed, and therefore spend more time perusing the shelves, for example.
  9. And you can start by perusing our top10 tips to show confidence with body language.
  10. Perusing any of the topic areas, one finds a collection of pages containing information and sometimes services related to the topic.
  11. One minute, says Prof Keller, she can be reading an article on psychology and self-regulation and another, she will be perusing an economics paper on hyperbolic discounting.
  12. But later, perusing a Cape Town jeweler's offerings-from cross pendants cast in gold to diamond engagement rings-it is harder still to conceive of Homo sapiens behaving any other way.
  13. She placed one she had been perusing on his hand; he flung it off, and muttered, if she did not give over, he would break her neck.
  14. After perusing the articles, the participants completed a questionnaire designed to measure levels of self-esteem.
  15. Only after perusing the top portion of the page for some time did their eyes explore further down the page.
  16. In perusing the works of this race of authors the mind is exercised either by recollection or inquiry;
  17. The buck drew a newspaper from his pocket and set about perusing it very diligently.
  18. σ advocates perusing the excellent management philosophy, making scientific decision based on the facts.
  19. Here the wizard sat, perusing an interesting book of spells he'd acquired from the rapidly cooling body of a would-be rival.
  20. Were insisting our will on our way in the perusing high-tech, high starting line, to quality.
  21. Absent-mindedly perusing the notices on the waiting-room wall.
  22. I have just finished perusing your latest note, the one containing a bizarre forty-sixth move dealing with the removal of my queen from a square on which it has not rested for eleven days.
  23. By perusing literature, make know the relation between the Quanzhou dwelling of veranda style and the veranda style in the world and in china.
  24. The second is to analyze the theoretical feasibility of private sector developing tourism resources and the contradiction between perusing profit maximum and protecting tourism resources, proposing the government regulations.
  25. Modern historic novels can be classified into four categories: reality criticism, emotional experience, psycho-analysis and cultural irony, on basis of different understanding and artistic perusing of different writers.
  26. Media has become the instrument for profit perusing;
  27. The GOEs 'operating target has had a great change during the reform: maximize the output-dual target of perusing profit and satisfied social needs-maximize profit.
  28. Part 2 returns to the text, links with psychoanalysis and historical and cultural analysis, depends on text perusing method to show male and female in works, making them two form fresh comparison and stand out male national and family feeling and female feeling infatuation.
  29. Perusing exhibition hall effects also potentially changes our principles of creating works.
  30. In the information asymmetry and incomplete contract circumstances, the interest conflicts between self-benefit managers and shareholders, and the managerial entrenchment behavior, through which the managers strengthen their position and concentrate on perusing their own utility, was inspired.



  1. reading carefully with intent to remember

      Synonym:    perusalporing overstudying