
网络  心理状态; 精神活动; 佳着心理状态; 精神作用




  1. But if I listen to you completely without a single interference of thought or ideation or mentation, just listen to that, the miracle has taken place.
  2. THE INFLUENCE OF HEALTH EDUCATION ON THE MENTATION OF ACCOMPANYING KINFOLKS OF PSYCHOPATH Correlation between Burden of Care and Mental Health of Family Members of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
  3. As a mentation, criminal intent shall consist of cognition factor and will factor.
  4. To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.
  5. His duties include guarding against accidents. As a mentation, criminal intent shall consist of cognition factor and will factor.
  6. Andrew's complex about sex made his marriage a failure. the branch of psychology that studies abnormal mentation and behavior.
  7. In the male students, neuroticism 3.9%, extraversion 0.3% and mentation 4.1%;
  8. The mentation and nursing strategy for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis
  9. Secondly, the view of new change in Buddhism resulted in the innovative mentation of literators.
  10. This makes clear, fragrance is influential the action of mentation, ought to replace with rice of A of stable, hydrochloric acid forest like waiting for medicaments attributive spirit medicaments.
  11. Effect of Jin Fu An Decoction in Improving Quality of Life and Mentation of Patients with Medium or Late Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
  12. Seizing and learning psychal process well has important meaning, when we are canalling our mentation and improving the sufficiency of mental education.
  13. The function of the corporate values is advancing such common mentation and boosting the level of the corporate cohesiveness.
  14. The logistic regression analyzed personality, which had predictive effects on the teenager smokers: Simple factor logistic regression analysis indicated that the explanation of neuroticism, extraversion and mentation on smoking was 2.1%, 1.3% and 4.0%.
  15. The synthetic testing system for power transformers is introduced, in which the virtual in stru mentation technology, component software technology and digital signal process technology are used.
  16. There are five essentials: "the function of learning"," the process of learning", "the mentation of the process of learning"," the intelligence and non-intelligence factors", "the principles and methods of learning".
  17. If you want to get into the magical realm, obtain the mystic feel, your behavior and mentation must conform with two principles: the nature be inactivity and to intuit;
  18. Totally, TKA is a kind of technology with low risk and high achievement ratio even if the outcome may be influenced by mentation and health status of patients, experiences and technique of surgeons, apparatus and equipments for operations, etc.
  19. Conclusion: Nursing intervention had effects on improving mentation of patients and guaranteed the operation of biopsy of kidney.
  20. Conclusion Implements the reasonable scheme of psychology nursing, availably improve the mentation of breast cancer patients, enhances the cooperate treatment degree, is advantageous the surgery treatment and disease restoration.
  21. As an important aspect of the social rational spirits, critical rationality plays an important role in affecting and directing social mentation and ethos.
  22. Structure characteristics are mainly controlled by the environments of sedi-mentation, soil formation and loess burying.
  23. The function of mentation number and its application
  24. Methods The effect of health education and nursing for60patients with drugs were compared in diseases knowledge and life style and mentation with no education.
  25. Numerous experiments and clinical data indicate that methamphetamine can lead to the lesions in cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, urinary and genital systems, not just causing mentation and neurotoxicity.
  26. Schizophrenia is a kind of the most common mental illness with the main characteristics as discordance between mentation and environment, embodied in change of basic personality and division of thoughts, feelings and behavior.
  27. Tujia music, one important part of China folk music, rich in content, varied in form, vividly mirrors the life and mentation of Tujia people from different angles.
  28. Meanwhile, mastering and analyzing file users 'mentation, as well as adjusting their psychology appropriately have realistic significance in improving social consciousness of archives and making full use of resources of archives information.
  29. With the development of psychology and Pre-school education, there were more researches on mentation and characters of young children.



  1. the process of using your mind to consider something carefully
    1. thinking always made him frown
    2. she paused for thought

    Synonym:    thinkingthoughtthought processcerebrationintellection