
英 [haɪˈpɒθəsaɪzɪŋ] 美 [haɪˈpɑːθəsaɪzɪŋ]

v.  假设; 假定


    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 hypothesise

  1. VERB 假设;假定
    If you hypothesize that something will happen, you say that you think that thing will happen because of various facts you have considered.
    1. To explain this, they hypothesise that galaxies must contain a great deal of missing matter which cannot be detected...
    2. I have long hypothesized a connection between these factors.


  1. Instead of hypothesizing endlessly, they'd be refining the design based on real experience as they try to use it.
  2. They review the past wishing and hoping that they've never done certain things, hypothesizing that if they had never done what they did, they would be much better off.
  3. Hypothesizing the sources, therefore, it is very likely that conceptions are massively connected with daily life and the used language.
  4. From the perspective of style, this paper proposes the concept of "style degree" for the discourse marker, hypothesizing it bears certain stylistic features.
  5. As you see in the next chapter, the theory building is not easy task but requires a great deal of focused observation, hypothesizing and revision.
  6. Hypothesizing about the situation led doctors to look inside the body for the cause.
  7. Methods Resistance coefficient method is used based on hypothesizing the process parameter of well bore to calculate the distributing rule of pressure of oil-water-gas mixture, and predict the pressure at certain depth in well bore.
  8. Hypothesizing that stress and strength are all lognormal distribution, the authors engaged in a fuzzy reliability design to the barrel shell's area of freedom, area of support roller and area of support ring.
  9. Hypothesizing the Selfish Nature and Increasing the Wealth of Society
  10. Hypothesizing the portion of the end valve is closed instantly, the transient pressure in the end of pipeline is extracted based on induced response method.
  11. However, by studying the relationship of image color and the lighting conditions, a method of generating realistic images at hypothesizing lighting conditions is presented in the paper.
  12. Since half century, the unsolved principal questions in geostress measurement using borehole method are hypothesizing that the mechanical property of rocks is isotropic, unthinking the borehole effect, unconsidering the measuring time effect and simplifying the changeful mechanical property of rocks.
  13. Integrating percolating mechanics with rock mechanics and hypothesizing the reservoir is elastic-plastic, a mathematical model for percolation-solid phase balance is abstractly presented;
  14. Childrens mother tongue acquisition is a long process of interaction with the surroundings, a hypothesizing, a verifying and rule mastering. It includes complicated language acknowledging and strategy choosing.
  15. Scientific procedures and methods should be followed for the research in ideological and political education in tertiary institutions: 1. selecting topics and hypothesizing;
  16. With hypothesizing the lubricant film as 1-D thermal resistances and applying the direct coupled-field analysis method, the heat transfer relation among the moving components is established.