
英 [ˈhæzədɪd] 美 [ˈhæzərdɪd]

v.  冒失地提出; 冒险猜测; 冒…的风险; 使处于危险


  1. N-COUNT 危险;危害
    A hazard is something which could be dangerous to you, your health or safety, or your plans or reputation.
    1. A new report suggests that chewing-gum may be a health hazard...
    2. Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.
  2. VERB 使冒风险;使处于危险中
    If you hazard someone or something, you put them into a situation which might be dangerous for them.
    1. He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.
  3. VERB 斗胆提出;作无把握猜测
    If you hazard or if you hazard a guess, you make a suggestion about something which is only a guess and which you know might be wrong.
    1. I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election...
    2. 'Fifteen or sixteen?' Mrs Dearden hazarded.


  1. He could not believe that, had the Englishman known how much he was at risk, he would have hazarded his grandson.
  2. He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.
  3. Mrs Chick was afraid to say limbs, after Mr Dombey's recent objection to bones, and therefore waited for a suggestion from Miss Tox, who, true to her office, hazarded 'members.'
  4. "Perhaps," young Thorley hazarded," she's too unhappy to be left at home."
  5. The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.
  6. I hazarded a guess.
  7. The fireman hazarded his life to save the child.
  8. "I don't like to go it blind," he hazarded. Who dares claim that he is 100 per cent sure of success and that he is taking no risks?
  9. It can meet the demands of hazarded heart repairing.
  10. New gods are popular, I suppose, theroro hazarded.
  11. He hazarded that the following examinations might be easier.
  12. He hazarded that the examiner might be more lenient after a good lunch.
  13. For once thinking is hazarded, it is too late for knowledge.
  14. It's suggested that the combination of Gs and Gs/ Tr ratio could be a reference index for crop water stress, namely, crops could be hazarded by water stress when Gs and Gs/ Tr decreased synchronously.
  15. The authors bring forward indexes and formulas to measure hazarded degree and risk value of ecosystem.
  16. Explain dairy products safe problem and source of hazarded factor, introduce of our country dairy products safe current situation through dairy products incident that happen recently.
  17. Classical swine fever is a major infection disease of pigs which has severely hazarded the industry of raising swine in the world.
  18. However, in reality, the evaluation professionals are hard to get independence in their works, and this has hazarded their work severely.