
英 [ˈgreɪvə] 美 [ˈgreɪvər]

adj.  严重的; 重大的; 严峻的; 深切的; 严肃的; 庄严的; 表情沉重的




    Pronounced /greɪv/, except for meaning 5, when it is pronounced /grɑːv/. 义项5读作 /grɑːv/,除此外读作/greɪv/。

  1. N-COUNT 墓穴;坟墓;埋葬处
    A grave is a place where a dead person is buried.
    1. They used to visit her grave twice a year.
  2. N-COUNT 死亡;终结
    You can refer to some-one's death as their grave or to death as the grave .
    1. ...drinking yourself to an early grave...
    2. Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.
  3. ADJ-GRADED 严重的;重大的;严峻的
    A grave event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying.
    1. He said that the situation in his country is very grave...
    2. I have grave doubts that the documents tell the whole story.
  4. ADJ-GRADED 严肃的;表情沉重的
    A grave person is quiet and serious in their appearance or behaviour.
    1. William was up on the roof for some time and when he came down he looked grave...
    2. Anxiously, she examined his unusually grave face.
  5. . 重音符;抑音符;沉音符
    In some languages such as French, a grave accent is a symbol that is placed over a vowel in a word to show how the vowel is pronounced. For example, the word 'mère' has a grave accent over the first 'e'
    1. PHRASE 自掘坟墓;自取灭亡
      If you say that someone is digging their own grave, you are warning them that they are doing something foolish or dangerous that will cause their own failure.
      1. The magazine isn't trying to ruin his career, the man's digging his own grave by refusing an interview.
    2. PHRASE 九泉之下不得安宁
      If you say that someone who is dead would turn in their grave at something that is happening now, you mean that they would be very shocked or upset by it, if they were alive.
      1. Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name.
    3. from the cradle to the grave → see: cradle


    1. The tribulations of our adult lives feel much graver now.
    2. Then he looked a good deal graver, and said, "have you been walking much on your chin lately?"
    3. Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons.
    4. Rivals have also faced graver problems over the past couple of years, such as a tragic sinking and engine fires.
    5. I learn to use with more and more facility the pencil, brush, and graver.
    6. For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul, than to forge money, which supports temporal life.
    7. Cindy barnett, a London magistrate, reckons the defendants she sees are more violent and have graver drug problems these days.
    8. Someone being racially abused face-to-face in a shop is in a much graver situation than the one I found myself in.
    9. The situation in the US is far graver.
    10. Conclusion Patients with comorbid depression and anxiety have graver depressive and anxious symptoms and greater suicide risk than ones with single depression have.
    11. They cost millions of dollars, and took up limited prosecutorial time that could have been spent on far graver crimes.
    12. This can be a difficult task for the inexperienced engraver as good graver control is important.
    13. Outside america, the consequences could be even graver.
    14. If he is convicted of having erred intentionally in the matter, then he is to be subject to graver punishment.
    15. Apart from the naivety of Lula's foreign policy in South America, there are two graver reasons why Brazil's president has lost his shine.
    16. Across the sun hurried a darkening filter of cloud, the advance guard of a larger and even graver army.
    17. As the history of the20th century shows, evidence of plunder that meets legal standards is hard to collect in the chaos of war, and against a background of even graver horrors.
    18. The red portion of the gift is from the hand-carved stone by graver and hand-sealed on the rice paper by inkpad.
    19. Now graver matters are taking over.
    20. As jade is of hard texture, carving is not done with a steel graver, but with emery by way of grinding.
    21. Solomon looked a little graver as he finished his dinner, and glanced from time to time at the boy's bright face.
    22. Given the societal trend towards laxity and the emphasis on eugenics, the abortion issue is becoming graver day by day.
    23. At least the initial charges against the four men-of stealing state secrets, a graver crime-were downgraded to merely stealing commercially confidential information.
    24. Vacuum brazed diamond graver is used to grave all kinds of stones.
    25. But I think your face looks graver than mine.
    26. The essential reason for which the system established was that the social issues such as poverty and unemployment became graver and the failure of Poor Law.
    27. Stone is a kind of knife is doing it to stone painting category for the paper, the inevitable will be graver, and stone of the constraints and impact.
    28. The phenomenon is common, but the underpricing is graver in the developing countries than in the developed countries.
    29. It is widely acknowledged that the Internet is a double-edged sword, bringing new opportunities and hopes for the mankind, but simultaneously new troubles and problems. Inevitably, this constitutes graver challenges for the protection of privacy in the network environment.
    30. The mechanically ruled grating in the film by the diamond graver is one unreplaceable manufacture method of diffraction grating.



    1. a tool used by an engraver

        Synonym:    graving toolpointelpointrel