
英 [ˈfɔːkɪŋ] 美 [ˈfɔːrkɪŋ]

v.  分岔; 岔开两条分支; 走岔路中的一条; 叉运; 叉掘


  1. N-COUNT 叉;餐叉
    A fork is a tool used for eating food which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.
    1. ...knives and forks.
  2. VERB 用叉子叉
    If you fork food into your mouth or onto a plate, you put it there using a fork.
    1. Ann forked some fish into her mouth...
    2. He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich.
  3. 叉,耙(园艺工具)
    A garden fork is a tool used for breaking up soil which has a row of three or four long metal points at the end.
    1. VERB 叉运,叉掘(肥料、干草等)
      If you fork something such as manure or hay, you move it from one place to another using a large garden fork.
      1. They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing...
      2. Farmers cut the hay, fork it on to a cart and then store it in barns.
    2. N-COUNT (道路、河流等的)分岔处,分流处;分岔;岔路
      A fork in a road, path, or river is a point at which it divides into two parts and forms a 'Y' shape.
      1. We arrived at a fork in the road...
      2. The road divides; you should take the right fork.
      3. ...the fork of the Delaware and Lehigh rivers.
    3. VERB (道路、河流等)分岔
      If a road, path, or river forks, it forms a fork.
      1. Beyond the village the road forked...
      2. The path dipped down to a sort of cove, and then it forked in two directions.
    4. See also: Just before the town boundary fork left onto a minor road. tuning fork
    5. PHRASAL VERB 付钱;大把花钱
      If you fork out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.
      1. He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina...
      2. You don't ask people to fork out every time they drive up the motorways...
      3. Britons fork out more than a billion pounds a year on toys.
        英国人每年花在玩具上的钱超过 10 亿英镑。


    1. They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing
    2. You can experience forking right from the comfort of your private command line.
    3. The standard library subprocess module in particular can be much simpler to deal with if you only require forking many processes and listening for a response.
    4. When a command or the bash shell itself initiates ( or spawns) a new shell sub-process to perform a task, it is known as forking.
    5. On the surface, threading sounds better than forking, if all the underlying modules are thread safe, including all the libraries used by PHP.
    6. However, even HTTP users can see the growing need for this type of function, since portlets began essentially forking HTTP requests.
    7. The SIP users expect the proxying and forking activities that require multiple layers of SIP session management.
    8. The process of spawning a new process is more often called forking, given the metaphor of two travelers reaching a fork in the road.
    9. The survey showed that reaching for fatty foods is not only bad for our waistlines, but our bank balances too with the typical worker forking out 221.76 a year on junk food to improve their mood.
    10. China is seeing a rush of divorces after new property curbs were announced over the weekend, as couples sought to dodge forking out more money to sell or buy homes.
    11. The key part of sensor made of forking fiber beam and metal revolving rod with temperature self-compensation is specially designed.
    12. Zhang and her colleagues often need to confront patients to get payment, or risk forking out for unpaid bills out of their pockets.
    13. This simple step yields better performance if the child flushes its address space and executes a new program right after the forking.
    14. If they think that might be the case, they will demand higher interest rates of return before forking over their wealth.
    15. People in the rich world are used to forking out for those of their fellow citizens who have incurable conditions.
    16. They could get involved by just submitting patches through the GitHub system of forking and pushing.
    17. Conceptually, the stipulation of a forking chain is ad hoc, and incompatible to our well-recognized feature checking operations. On Gender Difference in English Writing from the Perspective of Rhetoric Operation of Sentences
    18. However, should the specifications become standard, we could all be looking at forking out to replace our present Blu-ray players.
    19. Before you forking out the cash to buy that equipment, ask yourself
    20. We're not forking out twenty bucks for that.
    21. After the forking process, the address space of the child process is overwritten with the new process data.
    22. Naturally, my attention was caught by the sentence,'I leave to various future times, but not to all, my garden of forking paths: I had no sooner read this, than I understood.
    23. Forking the meat and slapping it into sandwiches.
    24. The Garden of Forking Paths was the chaotic novel itself.
    25. In this paper, the relationship between the density of Pinus koraiensis plantation and its forking was studied.
    26. Following the approach of the Forking Lemma, the simulator answers to CDH oracle.



    1. the act of branching out or dividing into branches

        Synonym:    branchingramificationfork

      1. the place where something divides into branches

          Synonym:    furcation