
英 [fɔːˈɡəʊɪŋ] 美 [fɔːrˈɡoʊɪŋ]

v.  放弃,弃绝(想做的事或想得之物)


  1. More succinctly, investing is forgoing consumption now in order to have the ability to consume more at a later date.
  2. A more subtle approach is for the couple to explain a bit about their financial goals and why they are forgoing fine china and linens.
  3. Sen. Clinton is choosing to focus the next stage of her career on foreign policy, forgoing her Senate seat and the chance to work universal health-care legislation, a long-time interest and an area of genuine expertise.
  4. Yet another reason why ghosting on breakfast or forgoing other meals throughout the day backfires on you.
  5. After years of gluttonous shopping, forgoing our wants feels virtuous, like using up leftovers.
  6. So he quit, forgoing a large year-end bonus, and now I can be home with my son at 4:30pm every day.
  7. Can we commit to forgoing a much-needed new car and give the money to charity instead?
  8. By forgoing a large announcement event for the Microsoft Band, the company avoided setting high expectations.
  9. If tacking small sections of the budget isn't enough, some couples are forgoing wedding planning altogether& only not in the way you think.
  10. More and more women are trailblazing lifelong careers in not always hospitable corporate environments and forgoing more traditional routes such as marriage and becoming a full-time homemaker.
  11. Lots of people are buying tablets and forgoing traditional PCs.
  12. The company desires to consolidate its need for the forgoing services and facilities to one vender.
  13. Exporters of oil, such as Iran, can maintain their subsidies as prices rise simply by forgoing some extra tax revenue.
  14. Forgoing food for a short time also was found to help a less serious condition: jet lag.
  15. But the plan means forgoing storage revenue and standard handling fees.
  16. The forgoing protective order should be delivered to the applicant, the prohibited or restrained person, and the executing judicial police agency or relevant authority.
  17. You need to add the salary you will be forgoing while you study.
  18. But if you feel you need to save money by forgoing it, try waking up earlier and going for a walk or a run before you leave for work, or squeezing in a walk at lunch.
  19. I'm not forgoing the chance of a free ticket.
  20. Poor populations cope with higher food prices by shifting to less balanced diets, forgoing healthcare or education, selling assets, or eating less& and malnutrition increases.
  21. They understand what it takes to make ends meet without forgoing important investments like education.
  22. The bulk of this would come from forgoing all that the sick and the dead would have produced.
  23. Eurozone finance ministers, who meet in Brussels today to hammer out a deal to save Greece from default, hope the ECB can contribute by forgoing some of the future profits it would earn on its Greek bondholdings, which it has said it was willing to do.
  24. Forgoing principle failed to produce a veto-proof majority for the spending bill the first time.
  25. Concern over a planet-wide nitrogen limit, for example, could lead to people forgoing the benefits that fertilisers offer the poor soils of Africa on account of harm done by their over-application in China.
  26. You'll also need to figure out how to cope with the emotional impact of forgoing a routine you've followed for most of your adult life.
  27. Bradley: Look, I'm sorry, but we're forgoing bonuses this year.
  28. For example, a manufacturer might produce only for the local market, forgoing more lucrative opportunities in distant markets in order to avoid the risk of losing goods in shipment.
  29. And, at a time of economic hardship, it means forgoing jobs we desperately need.



  1. the act of renouncing

      Synonym:    renunciationforswearing