
英 [ɛˈdɪfɪsɪz] 美 [ˈɛdəfəsɪz]

n.  大厦; 宏伟建筑


  1. N-COUNT 大厦;雄伟的建筑物
    An edifice is a large and impressive building.
    1. The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux.
  2. N-COUNT (信仰或传统制度的)体系,结构
    You can describe a system of beliefs or a traditional institution as an edifice .
    1. ...an edifice of British constitutional tradition.


  1. Such is life when your taxpayer dollars are directed mostly to propping up the edifices of banks that served mostly to enrich insiders when times are good.
  2. Add religion to the hublest of edifices and you have a sanctuary.
  3. But the IOC likes host cities to erect grand edifices with the Olympic name on them.
  4. These two iconic edifices will define Beijing for many visitors.
  5. And certainly if you are going to build great edifices, you probably do have to take risk.
  6. These edifices consist of nothing other than sankharas as conditioned things, the conditioned formations comprised in the five aggregates.
  7. In Childhood Impressions ( 2001), naked, innocent children are photoshopped onto backgrounds of iconic edifices that symbolize various moments in China's history.
  8. The difference is that you can visit the recently built edifices when they are shiny and new.
  9. For a time Klimt was allowed to work on the public edifices of a society at its cultural height, creating allegorical panels in a neo-classical, neo-Baroque vein.
  10. At the same time, archaeologists were undermining traditional "classical values" by discovering that the ancient temples of the Greeks were not the austere edifices people had believed them to be, but had been garish and multicoloured in their heyday.
  11. "We must not allow the developers to do what they want, filling our cities with gaudy edifices," Zhang said.
  12. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception.
  13. The landscaping and many of the buildings are traditional Chinese, but the campus also boasts many Western-style edifices, such as the quad and auditorium: T.
  14. He would remember that it was the color with which the hangman smeared "accursed" edifices;
  15. Decaying cities filled with huge, looming edifices cast shadows on the destitute and the damned.
  16. Great edifices, like great mountains, are the work of centuries.
  17. The scalability, cost and migration options vary by vendor and technique. Hence, complex monuments, edifices of gradation and transition.
  18. However, splendid edifices and a lively arts scene do not necessarily make Singapore a renaissance city.
  19. But these are the principal masses which were then to be distinguished when the eye began to accustom itself to this tumult of edifices.
  20. Hence, the prodigious exterior variety of these edifices, at whose foundation dwells so much order and unity.
  21. But some of these hallowed edifices are crumbling and in desperate need of repair.
  22. Late Mesozoic volcanic edifices of Fujian Province
  23. The volcanic region in Kuocangshan district of Zhejing is the volcanic structure combinatorial body composed of different stages and different volcanic edifices.
  24. Therefore, the environmental colors of the edifices and the whole city building get more harmony.
  25. The main structures of Early Cretaceous in the area are NE and NW faults, which control not only the major boundaries of the basins, but also some volcanic edifices.
  26. This circular structure is mainly composed of circular faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins in margin belt, faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins and edifices in centre, and genetic series of granite distributed circularly. This structure occurs as the shape of a circle and has a diameter of 270 km.
  27. According to the cause of formation, form, and the deposit's structure, the volcanic edifices includes Hawaiian, St rombolian, sub-Plinian, maar, and composite types.
  28. Near by the source, but because of strong reservoir heterogeneity, a poor reservoir reconstruction, and damage to the trap by faults which makes Complex relationship between air and water, the caldera-volcano edifices often do not have the conditions for making large complete volcanic gas reservoirs.
  29. Being far from the source rocks, reservoirs needing to be transformed by weathering, poor effectiveness of traps, and the traps in shield-volcano edifices are not found any oil and gas.
  30. Finally, for the concerns with the localization of the foreign constructions, the inspiration and prospect is stated for the modernization of religious edifices, which is to relate contemporaneous architectural context with applicable resources under the same environment and use improved traditional technologies.