
英 [dɪˈtɛnʃənz] 美 [dɪˈtɛnʃənz]

n.  拘留; 扣押; 监禁; 放学后留校,留堂(处罚学生)


  1. N-UNCOUNT (尤指出于政治原因的)拘留,扣押,监禁
    Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison, especially for political reasons.
    1. ...the detention without trial of government critics...
    2. They have been held in detention since the end of June...
    3. The government says the detentions are necessary on national security grounds.
  2. N-VAR (惩罚顽皮学童的)放学后留校
    Detention is a punishment for naughty schoolchildren, who are made to stay at school after the other children have gone home.
    1. The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.


  1. The government says the detentions are necessary on national security grounds.
  2. He said the plan failed to address real issues, including illegal detentions and curbs on freedom of religion and speech.
  3. In April, the Chinese legislature voted to revise an environmental protection law to allow for larger fines against companies and longer detentions of executives responsible for pollution.
  4. Officials refused to provide details about Thursday's searches and detentions, citing the ongoing investigation.
  5. The world's biggest iron ore groups have begun fresh talks to set an annual benchmark price for 2010-11, and the continued detentions are widely expected to complicate the talks with the Chinese.
  6. Despite repeated calls, a ministry of interior spokesman was not available to comment on the detentions or the government's reasons for preventing the leaflets from being distributed.
  7. The document just states that illegal detentions and the extortion of confessions through torture are forbidden.
  8. The detentions, which were also reported in Chinese media, are just the latest in a string of scandals to hit the Chinese financial sector, where bribery and corruption are endemic and rules are constantly changing and often unclear.
  9. The company, stunned by the detentions and frozen out of contact with its employees, spent months with lawyers and forensic accountants conducting an investigation of contracts, money flows, staff e-mails and its computer systems.
  10. Once the newly revised legislation is passed, such detentions will be formally enshrined in Chinese law.
  11. However, the string of detentions since August 20 suggest the authorities have decided on a harder line.
  12. I can't imagine them even talking to each other at the moment, said Paul Bartholomew of Steel Business Briefing, the steel consultancy in Shanghai, noting that the two sides had broken off contact during the negotiations even before the detentions.
  13. She's had four detentions this term.
  14. In China, suspects can be held for up to 37 days before being charged or released, although detentions are often arbitrarily extended beyond that period.
  15. Teachers may assign detention tasks as they wish and some detentions have been actually dangerous.
  16. The widespread violation of basic political rights such as detentions without trial and torture of detainees is not recognized as a problem outright.
  17. The detentions have heightened tensions between Canberra and Beijing and come amid fractious talks between the Chinese Steel Association and Australian mining groups to set an annual benchmark price for iron ore.
  18. The governor of Quintana Roo denied that his state was being taken over by drug traffickers following the arrest and earlier detentions of other senior officials.
  19. According to Hong Kong media reports, the investigation has led to the detentions of senior government officials in the southern Guangdong Province, where Mr Huang was born and raised.
  20. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school.
  21. We turned on our television to hear about the day's spate of bans and detentions.
  22. But he said Rio was concerned about the detentions.
  23. But they may explain the detentions.
  24. Shippers have the right to appeal the detentions, after which the government can order products returned or destroyed.
  25. The ⅲ Reservior is characterized by low detentions, or middle-low finger or bayonet peaks in electrofacies; the sedimentary types are underwater distributary interchannel and mixed flat microfacies.