
英 [kriːks] 美 [kriks]

n.  小海湾; 小港湾; 小河; 小溪


  1. 小海湾;小港湾
    A creek is a narrow place where the sea comes a long way into the land.
    1. N-COUNT 小河;小溪
      A creek is a small stream or river.
      1. Follow Austin Creek for a few miles.
    2. 处于困境(或窘境);犯错误
      If someone is up the creek, they are in a bad or difficult situation, or are wrong in some way. You can also say that someone is up the creek without a paddle .


      1. In kayaking, a lightweight strategy born on southeastern steep creeks saved me time so I could paddle longer rivers and have more fun without compromising safety.
      2. Researchers studied three populations of Mexican tetra in the lab. Fish that live in creeks or rivers have two eyes and see just fine.
      3. Drought has also forced hikers to carry more water: The first eight creeks that we crossed were dry.
      4. Property boundaries at this time were not marked out with iron rods or stakes in a standard fashion, but rather designated by natural objects such as rocks, trees and creeks.
      5. It had fertile countryside land, rich products, dense population and creeks and lakes in ancient Hangzhou and its neighbour area, where there is a good place for planting medicinal materials.
      6. Occurs in brackish waters of tidal creeks and river mouths, usually among mangroves.
      7. Farmers scattered up and down the creeks and rivers, with great distances between families.
      8. Lonely creeks are opal in the dawn, sword-blue in the sun, grayly silver under misty moons.
      9. The Pilbara the word is Aboriginal for mullet, a type of fish running in the mountain creeks is both the end of the earth and the wellspring of Australia's future.
      10. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth.
      11. Cattle and sheep drink at creeks, monkeys revel on rocks.
      12. Mostly greater differences in altitudes are being used, like mountain creeks.
      13. Insatiably curious about the world, the Creeks enjoyed a freedom of thought and expression unknown in earlier societies.
      14. In Vermont and upstate New York, floodwaters cascaded through towns, bordering rivers and creeks.
      15. Along the mangrove waterways, creeks and estuarine waters, a rich tradition of artisanal mariculture has evolved and fish constitutes an important part of the peoples'protein supply.
      16. "There was heavy rain and creeks were flooded with torrents of water, which made them difficult to cross," Pa-an district KNU chairman Pado Saw Aung Maw Aye told Mizzima.
      17. The grades are gentle and, like drainages, the routes often go under or over barriers such as highways, creeks, steep hills or other obstructions.
      18. They are commonly found in lakes, rivers, creeks, hot springs and other bodies of water.
      19. Shrimps are usually caught with push nets along shallow creeks within the mangroves and by off-shore trawlers.
      20. In small, modular refineries they are producing kerosene and other fuel and selling to the local market from so-called mushroom enterprises in the creeks and swamps.
      21. The Growth and Evolution of Tidal Creeks on the Prograding Mud Flat in Jiangsu Province
      22. The Status Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution of the Creeks in Urban Area of Siping City
      23. There were many creeks in this mountainous region, and it was necessary to cross Muddy Creek, Green Creek and others, upon culverts.
      24. Used to paddling in steep, narrow creeks, I found this experience unnerving and awkward.
      25. Her pure beautiful voice, Zhuo bright streams, creeks, You Jing, and a gray bird whine.
      26. Use water from mountain creeks, original taste and no spices.
      27. There are no creeks around here, not for miles.
      28. I dreamt ( that) I started ( went for) a vagrant life with my friends on our bicycles, meandering along rural paths, wading creeks and brooks.