As we answer questions apologetics removes misunderstanding of the gospel. 透过解答人所问的问题,消除人对福音的误解。
The best, most ideal situation is that we absorb Bible doctrine, and learn the principles of Biblical apologetics, during our secondary school years. 我们在中学时期就充分吸收《圣经》教义和护教学。
The two that concern me most are about his apologetics and his significance. 其中最显著的两项是他的护教学和他的重要性。
However there is also a positive side to apologetics: apologetics is a form of declaration of the gospel. 不过,护教学也有它正面宣讲福音的一面。
Theoretically, the relation between institution and technology can be divided into three categories: technology determinism, institution determinism and technology& institution apologetics. 从理论上可以将制度与技术之间的关系划分为三类:技术决定论、制度决定论和技术&制度辩证论。