第四十一篇: 教室里出现一只蟑螂 A Cockroach in Our Classroom | 初中英语1600词汇故事
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My teacher quickly ran to fetch some paper towels. To be honest, I didn't think that window cleaner could help. I was wrong. The little cockroach got a big drop of "The Window Cleaner", and lying on the floor, did not move.
What would you do if you found a cockroach in your classroom? Would you cry? Would you laugh? Or would you just sit there and do nothing? In my class we did all those.
Suddenly I heard a terrible cry from one of the girls. My heart missed a beat. I heard another cry. I am now thinking to myself "what is going on!", Then there it was! It was at least an inch and a half long, just a little cockroach! Now this was the first time I had seen in real life, but from all the pictures and the movies I had seen in the past, I could tell it was a cockroach.
I don't know if you have seen the movies where someone steps on the cockroach and you hear a loud "CRUNCH", but I can tell you right now that those movies are one-hundred percent true.
Well that was just the beginning. Ok, here is the whole story. My teacher walked over to the, now not moving, cockroach. If you have a weak stomach, I am warning you now… she stepped on it.
第四十一篇: 教室里出现一只蟑螂 A Cockroach in Our Classroom | 初中英语1600词汇故事
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My teacher was not very happy to find out that she was the one who had to clean up the dirty place.
I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I looked around the classroom. Some of my friends were laughing too. Of course the girly girls were crying and some of the other kids thought it was no big deal and just sat there reading their books.
Most people will not realize that when you step on a cockroach it will make a terrible sound you may not want to hear. So when you ever go to kill a cockroach, watch out for "THE CRUNCH".


