米龙老爹 Father Milon | 莫泊桑短篇小说精选
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From time to time one of the women gets up and takes a pitcher down to the cellar to fetch more cider.
For a month the hot sun has been parching the fields. Nature is expanding beneath its rays; the fields are green as far as the eye can see. The big azure dome of the sky is unclouded. The farms of Normandy, scattered over the plains and surrounded by a belt of tall beeches, look, from a distance, like little woods. On closer view, after lowering the worm-eaten wooden bars, you imagine yourself in an immense garden, for all the ancient apple-trees, as gnarled as the peasants themselves, are in bloom. The sweet scent of their blossoms mingles with the heavy smell of the earth and the penetrating odor of the stables.
It is noon. The family is eating under the shade of a pear tree planted in front of the door; father, mother, the four children, and the help -- two women and three men are all there. All are silent. The soup is eaten and then a dish of potatoes fried with bacon is brought on.
The man, a big fellow about forty years old, is watching a grape vine, still bare, which is winding and twisting like a snake along the side of the house.
米龙老爹 Father Milon | 莫泊桑短篇小说精选
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At last he says: "Father's vine is budding early this year. Perhaps we may get something from it."
The woman then turns round and looks, without saying a word.
This vine is planted on the spot where their father had been shot.
It was during the war of 1870. The Prussians were occupying the whole country. General Faidherbe, with the Northern Division of the army, was opposing them.
Of all the isolated scouts, of all those who were sent to the outposts, in groups of not more than three, not one ever returned.
The Prussians had established their headquarters at this farm. The old farmer to whom it belonged, Father Pierre Milon, had received and quartered them to the best of his ability.
These murders seemed to be done by the same men, who could never be found.
For a month the German vanguard had been in this village. The French remained motionless, ten leagues away; and yet, every night, some of the Uhlans disappeared.
They were picked up the next morning in a field or in a ditch. Even their horses were found along the roads with their throats cut.
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The country was terrorized. Farmers were shot on suspicion, women were imprisoned; children were frightened in order to try and obtain information. Nothing could be ascertained.
A court-martial was immediately held in the open air, in front of the farm. The old man was brought before it.
But, one morning, Father Milon was found stretched out in the barn, with a sword gash across his face.
Two Uhlans were found dead about a mile and a half from the farm. One of them was still holding his bloody sword in his hand. He had fought, tried to defend himself.
They stood him up between four soldiers, in front of the kitchen table, which had been dragged outside. Five officers and the colonel seated themselves opposite him.
He was sixty-eight years old, small, thin, bent, with two big hands resembling the claws of a crab. His colorless hair was sparse and thin, like the down of a young duck, allowing patches of his scalp to be seen. The brown and wrinkled skin of his neck showed big veins which disappeared behind his jaws and came out again at the temples. He had the reputation of being miserly and hard to deal with.
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The peasant answered nothing.
The colonel spoke in French:
The colonel continued:
"Your silence accuses you, Father Milon. But I want you to answer me! Do you understand? Do you know who killed the two Uhlans who were found this morning near Calvaire?"
The old man answered clearly
"Father Milon, since we have been here we have only had praise for you. You have always been obliging and even attentive to us. But to-day a terrible accusation is hanging over you, and you must clear the matter up. How did you receive that wound on your face?"
The man's family, his son Jean, his daughter-in-law and his two grandchildren were standing a few feet behind him, bewildered and affrighted.
"I did."
The colonel, surprised, was silent for a minute, looking straight at the prisoner. Father Milon stood impassive, with the stupid look of the peasant, his eyes lowered as though he were talking to the priest. Just one thing betrayed an uneasy mind; he was continually swallowing his saliva, with a visible effort, as though his throat were terribly contracted.
米龙老爹 Father Milon | 莫泊桑短篇小说精选
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The colonel went on:
"I dunno! I simply did it."
"Tell me how you did it."
"Uh huh! I did."
This time the man seemed moved; the necessity for talking any length of time annoyed him visibly. He stammered:
"Do you also know who killed all the scouts who have been found dead, for a month, throughout the country, every morning?"
"I was coming home one night at about ten o'clock, the night after you got here. You and your soldiers had taken more than fifty ecus worth of forage from me, as well as a cow and two sheep. I said to myself: 'As much as they take from you; just so much will you make them pay back.' And then I had other things on my mind which I will tell you. Just then I noticed one of your soldiers who was smoking his pipe by the ditch behind the barn. I went and got my scythe and crept up slowly behind him, so that he couldn't hear me. And I cut his head off with one single blow, just as I would a blade of grass, before he could say 'Booh!' If you should look at the bottom of the pond, you will find him tied up in a potato-sack, with a stone fastened to it.
The old man answered with the same stupid look:
"I did."
"You alone? All alone?"
The colonel continued:
"Uh huh!"
"You killed them all?"
"I warn you that you will have to tell me everything. You might as well make up your mind right away. How did you begin?"
The man cast a troubled look toward his family, standing close behind him. He hesitated a minute longer, and then suddenly made up his mind to obey the order.
米龙老爹 Father Milon | 莫泊桑短篇小说精选
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Once this murder committed, the man had lived with this one thought: "Kill the Prussians!" He hated them with the blind, fierce hate of the greedy yet patriotic peasant. He had his idea, as he said. He waited several days.
The old man stopped. The officers remained speechless, looking at each other. The questioning began again, and this is what they learned.
He was allowed to go and come as he pleased, because he had shown himself so humble, submissive and obliging to the invaders. Each night he saw the outposts leave. One night he followed them, having heard the name of the village to which the men were going, and having learned the few words of German which he needed for his plan through associating with the soldiers.
"I got an idea. I took all his clothes, from his boots to his cap, and hid them away in the little wood behind the yard."
Then he began to crawl through the fields, following along the hedges in order to keep out of sight, listening to the slightest noises, as wary as a poacher.
He left through the back yard, slipped into the woods, found the dead man's clothes and put them on.
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As soon as he thought the time ripe, he approached the road and hid behind a bush. He waited for a while. Finally, toward midnight, he heard the sound of a galloping horse. The man put his ear to the ground in order to make sure that only one horseman was approaching, then he got ready.
An Uhlan came galloping along, carrying des patches. As he went, he was all eyes and ears. When he was only a few feet away, Father Milon dragged himself across the road, moaning: "Hilfe! Hilfe!" ( Help! Help!) The horseman stopped, and recognizing a German, he thought he was wounded and dismounted, coming nearer without any suspicion, and just as he was leaning over the unknown man, he received, in the pit of his stomach, a heavy thrust from the long curved blade of the sabre. He dropped without suffering pain, quivering only in the final throes.
Then the farmer, radiant with the silent joy of an old peasant, got up again, and, for his own pleasure, cut the dead man's throat. He then dragged the body to the ditch and threw it in.
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The Prussians, recognizing the uniform, let him approach without distrust. The old man passed between them like a cannon-ball, felling them both, one with his sabre and the other with a revolver.
About an hour later he noticed two more Uhlans who were returning home, side by side. He rode straight for them, once more crying "Hilfe! Hilfe!"
The horse quietly awaited its master. Father Milon mounted him and started galloping across the plains.
Then he killed the horses, German horses! After that he quickly returned to the woods and hid one of the horses. He left his uniform there and again put on his old clothes; then going back into bed, he slept until morning.
For four days he did not go out, waiting for the inquest to be terminated; but on the fifth day he went out again and killed two more soldiers by the same stratagem. From that time on he did not stop. Each night he wandered about in search of adventure, killing Prussians, sometimes here and sometimes there, galloping through deserted fields, in the moonlight, a lost Uhlan, a hunter of men. Then, his task accomplished, leaving behind him the bodies lying along the roads, the old farmer would return and hide his horse and uniform.
米龙老爹 Father Milon | 莫泊桑短篇小说精选
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"Do you know that you are going to die?"
"You have nothing else to say?"
"I haven't asked for mercy."
When he had finished his tale, he suddenly lifted up his head and looked proudly at the Prussian officers.
They had found him there, bleeding, on the straw.
"Yes, I served my time. And then, you had killed my father, who was a soldier of the first Emperor. And last month you killed my youngest son, Francois, near Evreux. I owed you one for that; I paid. We are quits."
However, he had killed them both. He had come back and hidden the horse and put on his ordinary clothes again; but as he reached home he began to feel faint, and had dragged himself as far as the stable, being unable to reach the house.
"Have you been a soldier?"
The colonel, who was gnawing at his mustache, asked:
"Nothing more; I have finished my task; I killed sixteen, not one more or less."
But one of those whom he had attacked the night before, in defending himself slashed the old peasant across the face with his sabre.
He went, toward noon, to carry oats and water quietly to his mount, and he fed it well as he required from it a great amount of work.
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But the man was not listening, and, his eyes fixed on the hated officer, while the wind played with the downy hair on his head, he distorted his slashed face, giving it a truly terrible expression, and, swelling out his chest, he spat, as hard as he could, right in the Prussian's face.
And, straightening up his bent back, the old man folded his arms in the attitude of a modest hero.
The Prussians talked in a low tone for a long time. One of them, a captain, who had also lost his son the previous month, was defending the poor wretch. Then the colonel arose and, approaching Father Milon, said in a low voice:
"Listen, old man, there is perhaps a way of saving your life, it is to --"
The old man continued: "Eight for my father, eight for the boy -- we are quits. I did not seek any quarrel with you. I don't know you. I don't even know where you come from. And here you are, ordering me about in my home as though it were your own. I took my revenge upon the others. I'm not sorry."
The officers were looking at each other.
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All the officers had jumped up and were shrieking orders at the same time.
The colonel, furious, raised his hand, and for the second time the man spat in his face.
In less than a minute the old man, still impassive, was pushed up against the wall and shot, looking smilingly the while toward Jean, his eldest son, his daughter-in-law and his two grandchildren, who witnessed this scene in dumb terror.


