
英 [ˈtiːzə(r)] 美 [ˈtiːzər]

n.  难题; 棘手的问题; 前导广告,悬念式广告(含蓄而引人好奇)


BNC.33270 / COCA.21583



  1. 难题;棘手的问题
    a difficult problem or question
    1. 前导广告,悬念式广告(含蓄而引人好奇)
      an advertisement for a product that does not mention the name of the product or say much about it but is intended to make people interested and likely to pay attention to later advertisements


      1. (尤指竞赛中的)难题,棘手的问题
        A teaser is a difficult question, especially one in a competition.
        1. 爱戏弄别人的人
          A teaser is someone who makes fun of people in a slightly cruel way.


          1. The problem looks simple enough, but when you come to try and solve it you'll find it's a real teaser.
          2. As a teaser, another issue with memory management involves the idea of partial sharing of list nodes ( which will be discussed below).
          3. The ten-minute piece was recently submitted to six festivals, and fans can look forward to a 30-second teaser trailer being released relatively soon.
          4. 161. Please release that pleasant peasant teaser who brings us plenty of pleasure.
          5. Its described as a timepiece featuring smart technology, but little else is revealed on the teaser page.
          6. Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder is clearly well aware of that fact, and released a 20-second teaser for the much-anticipated superhero movie this week via Twitter.
          7. The first full trailer for Downton Abbey Season 4 was released on Saturday after a 10-second teaser debuted last week.
          8. If Mr. Marra and his team decide that users do not enjoy certain things, such as teaser headlines that lure readers to click through to get all the information, it can mean ruin.
          9. More recently, developers of big projects have been offering rebates and discounts which, in some cases, have served to lop 20 per cent off the price – although this teaser strategy has helped them to sell subsequent batches at higher prices.
          10. Any brain teaser question requires thinking through several stages of reasoning.
          11. Brain teaser questions tend to be unexpected and challenge you to think laterally.
          12. A teaser is one way to advertise, and a homepage advertises too ( even a website).
          13. This trailer will be longer and show more from the film than the teaser we have seen before.
          14. Well, we saw the teaser in terms of that animation that suggests this merge sort algorithm when implemented by a computer is absolutely faster.
          15. But paternalists may require minimum down payments or the abolition of teaser interest rates and other devices that encouraged ordinary people to borrow more than they could afford.
          16. Heaven began like a teaser with these extreme fear depressed colleagues!
          17. Beware of low introductory "teaser" rates that increase to much higher rates after six months.
          18. I want to leave you with what I call a brain teaser.
          19. But, uninteresting for now but a teaser of details to come.
          20. This week's Teaser relates to Celtic FC who were mentioned above.
          21. In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.
          22. The first teaser video will give more insight into the world premier of The HIAM video.
          23. The first statement was posed as a teaser: it had already been proved by the authors.
          24. A out If I now run a.out, your teaser for this Friday's lecture is this climax.
          25. First HIAM teaser should be out on Friday.
          26. With these questions knowing the answer just means you heard that brain teaser before.
          27. Check out the9th teaser from Brit's Hold It Against Me music video!
          28. Now what do you do about that particular teaser?
          29. Awhile ago, I have mentioned that the homepage is like a teaser that drives curiosity on your user.
          30. Massive Attack electronic music event teaser.



          1. a device for teasing wool
            1. a teaser is used to disentangle the fibers

          2. a flat at each side of the stage to prevent the audience from seeing into the wings

              Synonym:    tormentertormentor

            1. an attention-getting opening presented at the start of a television show

              1. a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
                1. he loved to solve chessmate puzzles
                2. that's a real puzzler

                Synonym:    puzzlepuzzlermystifier

              2. an advertisement that offers something free in order to arouse customers' interest

                1. someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)

                    Synonym:    teaseannoyervexer

                  1. a worker who teases wool