
网络  腐败作用; 腐臭味; 腐烂; 坏死



  1. The local envelope of liver was lacunose and the local liver was atrophied, There was abroad putrescence and liquescence in the focus.
  2. Objective: probing the function mechanism of ZhengGu TongPiDan in curing dyssymphysis, non-bacteroidal bone putrescence and chronic osteomyelitis.
  3. In addition, VPA has potential toxicity for digestive system, blood system, and liver, even lethiferous putrescence.
  4. Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.
  5. You may wash it with water without worrying about the fragility to damp, worm-eaten an putrescence, which are the defects of traditional wooden furniture.
  6. "Shapeshifting" will no longer remove the "Rotting Putrescence" creature debuff. An Empirical Study between Affecting Factors of Knowledge and Transfer Validity
  7. "Shapeshifting" will no longer remove the "rotting putrescence" creature debuff.
  8. The astragal putrescence may be disassembled into three stage: putrescence stage, evolve stage and resume stage. a reconditioned sewing machine; a repaired vacuum cleaner; the broken lock is now fixed.
  9. Kinds of chronic hepatitis have the symptom of liver cell putrescence, inflammation and fibrosis.
  10. Shelf-life Properties of Chilled Pork and Forecasting of Main Putrescence Microorganisms
  11. The X-ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed.
  12. Objective: To sum up the characteristics of X-ray and clinic for astragal putrescence.
  13. Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence, paradentitis and apical abscess.
  14. At the same time of liver biopsy, serum was to be measured for monoxide nitrogen ( NO), the tumor putrescence factor ( TNF-a), endotoxin ( LPS).
  15. Conclusion: Late Occurred Paralysis ⅱ is mostly caused by the mechanical pressure ( 90%), 10% cases is induced by distortion and putrescence of spine.
  16. This dissertation separated and authenticated the main putrescence microorganism in the chilled pork that caused it to decompose, studyed on the decompose potential of the putrescence microorganism.
  17. That the degree of putrescence, the size of putrescence ranges, the degree of denaturalization of liver cell and the degree of liver fibre had no significant difference compared with model group.
  18. Results: There was the most serious liver fibrosis with false lobules in modal 4w, combined with large area of hemorrhage and putrescence. Liver fibrosis started to relieve at 6w, lightening distinctly on inflammation at 8w, mainly with incomplete fiber septa.
  19. The tumor putrescence rate of 60% patients was exceeded 90%.
  20. The putrescence fragments, blood clots were washed down in CIM, there were a few in RB, and a lot in BP after immediate irrigation.
  21. The liver cell and renal tubular cell showed to dissolve putrescence.
  22. Citrus white scaled lesion is a disease producing white spotted, linear, branched, circular or irregular scaled lesions on peel, simply causing epidermal cells putrescence.
  23. No infection or skin putrescence occurred.
  24. Cases experienced local skin putrescence and 3 cases experienced infection ( included 1 osteomyelitis).
  25. Glaucoma is related closely to the high intraocular pressure, and is always accompanying with other symptoms, such as atrophy in optic nerve, denaturalization and putrescence of the nerve layer of the retina, visual field shrinking.
  26. By the microscope, we can see granular degeneration, fatty degeneration and putrescence in liver, fatty degeneration in kidney, uric acid salt sediment in small pipe of kidney, thymus, bursa of Fabricius spleen are not developed well;
  27. Results Fourteen cases fibular flap survival and grow well, 1 case putrescence due to crisis of circulation postoperation.
  28. If the heart should be cut off from other organs, it will be lifeless, while if any part and process of education should be short of morality and care, it will suffer function obstruction, organ putrescence, and even incapacity or death.
  29. The hyphal cell wall was irregularly thickened. Uneven cell protoplasm and the formation of a large cavity were observed in hyphal cell. In addition, vesicles increased in hyphal cell. There are some mycelium tissue putrescence.



  1. the quality of rotting and becoming putrid

      Synonym:    rottenness

    1. in a state of progressive putrefaction

        Synonym:    putridnessrottennesscorruption