In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies 近几年,奥地利的经济发展超过了其他多数工业国。
It was yet another case where the human eye outperformed radar. 这是肉眼胜过雷达的又一事例。
This opens the door for Chinese stocks that benefit from higher levels of inflation to outperform. 这为中国的通胀受益股走出强于大盘走势开启了大门。
How does an active management skeptic like me outperform with index funds? 像我这样一个对积极管理持怀疑态度的人怎么会凭借指数基金获得超过平均水平的投资回报呢?
Chimpanzees have even been shown to outperform humans in memory tests and orang-utans have demonstrated impressive mathematical abilities. 研究显示黑猩猩在记忆力测试方面甚至超过人类,而猩猩则表现出令人惊叹的数学能力。
As we have defined it, governance affects business performance, and it ideally helps you outperform your competition. 就像我们对治理的定义一样,它影响企业绩效,并且它在理论上帮助您胜过您的竞争者。
In many cases, this is exactly what you want and will outperform any other strategy. 在许多情况下,这就是我们需要的,它的效果比任何其他策略都要好。
But the premium segment has many more capabilities and I believe we can outperform the market in China. 但高档板块还有更多潜力,我相信我们可以跑赢中国的整体汽车市场。
Bonds as an asset class are expected to continue to outperform cash in the near term. 债券作为一种资产类别,短期内,表现预计会继续好于现金。
For bank management it is difficult to know whether the traders consistently outperform their markets. 对于银行管理层而言,要了解交易员的业绩是否始终跑赢了其所在的市场,并非一件易事。
They will outperform those wedded to market share, EBITDA growth, or EPS management. 他们的表现将胜过那些执着于市场份额、ebitda增长或每股盈利管理的企业。
Public services at their best now outperform the banks so government ownership could actually improve bank performance. 如今,最好的公共服务已超过银行因此,政府所有权实际上可以改善银行业绩。
Cyclical shares, most exposed to economic growth, have begun to outperform those best able to withstand recession. 周期性股票(受经济增长的影响最大)的表现已开始超过那些最有能力抵御衰退的股票。
In the technology sector, one expects the latest generation of products to outperform those they are replacing. 在科技领域,人们总会期待最新一代产品的性能将胜过它们即将取代的产品。
If there was any inflation at all, this meant that Tips would outperform. 如果有任何通货膨胀发生,将意味着美国10年期通胀挂钩债券会胜出市场。
A robust banking system and strong exports have helped the economy outperform its peers. 坚挺的银行体系和强劲的出口,推动澳大利亚实现了优于同类国家的经济表现。
Quantum computers can theoretically outperform today's digital computers for more applications than previously thought. 和以前所想的比起来,理论上量子电脑的性能在更多的应用上超过现在的数字电脑。
Managed equity funds tend to outperform the market averages and a number of anomalies characterize that market. 有管理的股票基金的业绩一般会好于市场平均水平,而市场中还存在着一些不正常的地方。
He refuses to accept the hypothesis that emerging markets can "decouple" from developed markets and outperform. 他并不认同这一假设:新兴市场能与发达市场“脱钩”并有更优异的表现。
Covered call funds tend to outperform other equity funds in such circumstances, but only slightly. 在这种情况下,备兑买入基金的表现往往超过其它股票基金,但只是略胜一筹。
Under this scenario, equities should outperform bonds significantly. 在这种情形下,股票的表现应会大大优于债券。
Beauties outperform beasts mainly because we expect them to do so. 美女胜过野兽,主要是因为我们预计他们会表现出众。
I said that no stock is likely to outperform the market or underperform the market. 我对你们说没有股票,会有比市场表现的好,或者差的可能性。
The stocks chosen in this way outperform unconnected stocks by8.4 percentage points a year. 这种方式下选择的股票效绩每年要比那些不相干的股票高出8.4个百分点。
This is a good example of when unit testing can really outperform system integration testing. 这是单元测试能够胜过系统集成测试的一个很好的例子。
However, in terms of performance, its speed, screen resolution and keyboard outperform netbooks. 但从性能上来说,它的速度、屏幕分辨率和键盘都胜过上网本。
Research has shown that companies with an effective service innovation process consistently outperform those without. 研究表明,有效的服务创新流程为企业持续发展优于那些没有。
It and other blue-chip financial shares could possibly outperform during this period. 平安保险及其它蓝筹金融类股在此期间的表现可能会强于大盘。
The typical investor's thinking goes something like this: Stocks over time outperform both bonds and cash. 投资者通常会认为:长期而言投资股票的收益优于投资债券和把钱存银行。
Opinions on which emerging economies will outperform in the next 12 months vary. 对于哪些新兴经济体在未来12个月会有更好的表现,人们意见不一。