Having spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors 'prison. 花光了他有钱老婆的财产之后,这位少校最后被关进了债务人监狱。
Creditors have better memories than debtors. 债主总是比欠债人拥有更好的记忆力。
They have also been pushing all types of lenders to give struggling debtors more time to repay. 他们还一直在向所有贷款商施压,要求给苦苦挣扎的债务人更多时间还债。
Many will be unable to pay off the loan and risk becoming zombie debtors. 许多人将无法付清贷款,有可能会沦为僵尸贷款人。
A hard line with delinquent debtors risks alienating customers temporarily lacking cash. 对拖欠债务的债务人采取强硬路线有可能疏远这些暂时缺乏现金的客户。
But debtors and creditor countries alike must also agree that the EU is worth saving. 但债务国和债权国也都必须达成一致:即欧盟值得去挽救。
Inflation is a transfer of wealth from creditors to debtors essentially from China to the US. 通货膨胀是将财富从债权人向债务人转移本质上是从中国向美国转移。
The interest of both creditors and debtors are given consideration by court. 债权人和债务人的利益均由法庭来考虑。
So, this paper discusses the analysis of financial statements from the point of view of debtors. 因此,本文站在债券人的角度对财务分析进行了阐述。
Inflation is a magic tax on creditors whose proceeds are directly transferred to debtors. 通胀是对债权人征收的“神奇”赋税,他们的收益被直接转给了债务人。
So grasshopper debtors are forced to sell. This creates a chain of bankruptcy. 因此蚱蜢债务人被迫出售资产,这导致了一连串的破产。
The debate between debtors and creditors swings between two different ways of assessing legitimacy: power and morality. 债务国与债权国之间的争论在评估合理性的两种不同标准之间摇摆不定实力与道德。
Therefore, the competition between banks included two sides, the debtors and loaners. 因此,银行间的竞争包括两个方面,债务人和债权人。
The financial crisis stems not just from the misjudgements of debtors but also the mistakes of creditors. 此次金融危机不仅仅源于债务人的误判,也与债权人的错误有关。
Could the inconsistencies of fiscal policy and the disagreements between creditors and debtors eventually trip the whole system up? 财政政策的不一致,以及债权国和债务国之间的分歧,最终是否会让整个体系坍塌?
The apparent lack of understanding of the reciprocal relationship between debtors and creditors is more damaging. 对债务人和债权人之间互惠关系的明显缺乏理解,更加具有危害。
Receive payment from one's debtors. 从债务人处收到付款。
The CPA firm may also verify the credit rating of major debtors. 注册会计师事务所也可能要证实主要债务人的信用评级情况。
Where are their euro debtors and creditors? 他们的债务人和债权人在哪里?
Updating of ageing and compiling of debtors status. 更新过期的文件和编写债务人的状况。
The serious answer is that the economic and financial health of sellers and creditors cannot be divorced from that of buyers and debtors. 严肃的答案是,卖方和债权人的经济和金融健康不可能脱离买方和债务人。
But in the real world creditors will always have the whip hand with debtors. 但在现实世界里,债权人相对于债务人总是处于支配地位。
Strife between creditors and debtors is usually resolved by civil law. 债权人和债务人之间的纷争一般是由民法来解决的。
Yet the eurozone should realise that the crisis cannot be resolved without a rebalancing between creditors and debtors. 然而,欧元区应该意识到,如果债权人和债务人之间无法重新达成平衡,危机就无法解决。
Central banks are punishing savers to redeem the sins of debtors and speculators. 各国央行正为了救赎举债者和投机者的罪责而惩罚储蓄者。
We are witnessing a battle between the interests of international creditors and debtors. 我们看到,国际债权国和债务国之间正展开一场利益之战。
As the largest creditor, Germany could dictate punitive terms of assistance, which pushed debtors towards insolvency. 作为最大的债权国,德国能够在援助中附加惩罚性条款,从而将债务国推向了破产境地。
Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors. 债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。
As debtors and creditors, banks and governments are locked in a tight embrace. 各自作为债务人和债权人的一方,银行和政府利益联系更加紧密。