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"Why did Dad come back?" Casey asked.
Margaret leapt up onto the carton, then pulled herself through the small, open window. A tight squeeze, but she struggled out onto the grass. Then she turned around to help Casey.
"Hi, Dad," Margaret said, trying to sound casual. "Why'd you come back?"
The afternoon air felt quite cool compared to the steamy basement. Breathing hard, they both squatted down to peer into the window. "Who is it?" Casey whispered.
Margaret didn't have to answer. They both saw their father step into the white light, his eyes searching the plant room.
"Sshhh!" Margaret held a finger to her lips. Then she climbed to her feet and pulled Casey toward the back door. "Come on. Hurry."
That squirrel turned out to be a friend, she thought, tugging her brother's arms as he scrambled out of the basement. It showed us the only escape route.
The back door was unlocked. They stepped into the kitchen just as their father emerged from the basement, a concerned expression on his face. "Hey -- there you are!" he exclaimed.
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"Had to get more tools," he answered, studying their faces. He eyed them suspiciously. "Where were you two?"
Dr. Brewer scowled and shook his head. "You never used to lie to me before," he said. "I know you went down into the basement again. You left the door wide open."
"We just wanted to look," Casey said quickly, glancing at Margaret, his expression fearful.
"Out in the backyard," Margaret said quickly. "We came in when we heard the back door slam."
"We found Mr. Martinez's jacket and tie," Margaret said. "What happened to him, Dad?"
Dr. Brewer chuckled. "I think he was in a state of shock from everything I showed him down there. It's no wonder he forgot his things. But I called Martinez this morning. I'm going to drive over and return his stuff when I finish at Mr. Henry's."
"Huh?" The question seemed to catch Dr. Brewer by surprise.
"I'm raising two snoops," her father griped. "Martinez got hot, okay? I have to keep the basement at a very high, tropical temperature with lots of humidity. Martinez became uncomfortable. He removed his jacket and tie and put them down on the worktable. Then he forgot them when he left."
"Why did he leave his jacket and tie down there?" Margaret asked.
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But she couldn't help herself. The fear returned every time she saw him.
Margaret saw a smile break out on Casey's face. She felt relieved, too. It was good to know that Mr. Martinez was okay.
Margaret listened to the screen door slam behind him.
How awful to suspect my own father of doing something terrible to someone, she thought.
Was that a warning -- or a threat? she wondered.
"I'd better get going," Dr. Brewer said. Carrying the tools he had picked up, he started toward the back door. But he stopped at the end of the hall and turned around. "Don't go back in the basement, okay? It really could be dangerous. You could be very sorry."


